Coast Guard liscensing

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gary jensen

Am sitting for an O.U.P.V. liscense. (operator of uninspected passenger vessel, commonly called six-pac). I have already passed Deck General and Navigational General. The two remaing modules are Rules of The Road and Navigation. I'm wondering if anyone has tested for these modules and how tough were the tests. I'v studied Gounders, Charlie Wing and Chapmans. I'm wondering if there is any more to study? Premature thxxxxxx.


Test information

I just received my Master Mariner 50Ton License. All the tests were about the same in terms of difficulty but the percent passing grade was different. You might want to get a copy of Bowditch (American Practical Navigator) for studying the navigation portion. Make sure you understand running fixes, know how to convert from compass to true course, understand compass deviation tables, TVMDC+W, Plot everything on your exam as True with appropriate labels. They will always hit you with a few trick questions like a course that runs through an island, so there is usually more than one answer to those and the other answer is correct. Rules of the road is prety much memorization but again some questions are tricky. Know your whistle signals!! Know the differences between inland rules and international, some tricky questions about rights of way on rivers like the mississippi. Good luck on your exams! dave

R. Young

Question re taking the exam

I understand that one can take the exam after passing a Boat safety course and exam and then after a number of procedures like drug test, physical exam, cpr (I think) etc and then you can apply and arrange for the exam. My question is, do you apply to take one particular category - like Navigation, or do they test you on all categories at once. If you fail one component can you retest that one component only? I have Charlie Wings book - the questions are not obvious and appears that extensive study and concentration is required - did you find that to be the case. The yacht club I belong to is trying to get members to get a license so we have a "Cadre" of qualified licensed operators. We just started the process by having a CG Aux Boat safety course on premises - any advise is appreciated Roger Destiny Hunter 37


Coast Guard Exam

The studying and exams for a OUPV or Master Mariner's license are much more extensive than a boating safety course and exam. Those are very basic courses and rules of the road. To pass the Coast Guard exam you must be thoroughly knowledgable in navigation practice, memorize all of the lights used on different boats for each requirement, know all the rules of the road and signals, etc. I strongly recommend you take a captains license course versus study it yourself but many people have gone that route. The advantage of an instructor is help when you don't understand something. Well worth the 650 bucks or so.

gary jensen

C G Exam

To sit for the exam you have to have a specialized physical exam, an extensive drug test, color blind test, current C P R card, current first aid card, original social security card,three letters of reference and documented sea time that meets their criteria....They allow you to test three times on each module (deck safety, navigation general, rules of the road and navigation problems)..

Charlie Gruetzner

Captain's License

I completely agree with Dave. The Captains examination is avery difficult and I would strongly suggest that you take a course. I took a course last October and passed the examination the first time out. The time and money spent for the program were well worth it. If nothing else to course will gear your studies toward the exam and eliminate a lot wasted book time


Exam Questions

The Coast Guard posts their exam questions on the USCG web site at <> You can go there and humiliate yourself by trying the exam before you start to study. Seriously, these will give you an excellent idea of what you are in for when you take the exams.

Chris McLoughlin

I agree with . .

Dave and Charlie, A course is well worth the time and money. The fact that I have been boating since before Loran C became affordable, and I have actually plotted courses etc probably helped. After The course I sat for the modules and passed the first time, 3 100s and a 93 (rules of the road). S/V Tidesong



I took the exam for a 6 pack some years ago and have to renew it every 5 years.I dont use the license..its just a personal achievement for me. Since I did not have a boat for some time, I could not use "in service time" and therefore had to take a written exam each time for renewal. The exams were pretty fair but with a few tricky ones ones thrown it. Get a copy of "Navigation Rules, US Dept. of Transportation..COMDTINST M16672.2c. Can be ordered over the internet.Its invaluable.

gary jensen

RE: Coast Guard Exam

Thanks for Coast Guard exam input. I took the navigation modulal on Thursday and passed. I now have three tests out of the way and have just the "rules of the road " to go....
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