Clogged toilet

Apr 24, 2013
My 2004 Hunter 33 has a clogged toilet.
I have dismantled all the drain pipes, not easy, they are all clogged with limescale, after having dismantled all the floors of the aft cabin, the bottoms of the cupboard and drilled a hole in the counter Moulding of the aft cabin to facilitate the passage of the new 4-metre long pipe I arrive at the selection valve.
unfortunately it is still clogged further on either it is the valve or it is the last pipe that goes from the valve to the outside.
How can we dismantle the valve and change the last drain pipe to the sea without cutting the transom because access is very difficult from inside the aft cabin.
Thank you for your advice
Dec 2, 1997
- - LIttle Rock
There was no need to take anything apart...Muriatic ("hydrochloric") acid--available from most hardware stores--and plenty of patience, along with some instructions for using it-- is the tried and true method that boatyards use to clear sea water mineral buildup out of hoses. Severe cases may require more than one application.

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