Clogged engine intake thru hull - Thank you Roland Gendreau!!

Jun 2, 2014
Catalina 30 mkII - 1987 Alamitos Bay Marina, LB, CA
Clogged thru hull fix DISCOVERY…
First, I was running the engine while on a mooring at Catalina island to charge my batteries a bit. To my surprise when I went to shut off the motor I noticed the temp was WAY over!!
Water was coming out when I started it.
I first pulled the impeller cover to inspect it and no water came out but the impeller looked intact.
Next I opened the strainer. It has some debris, but not enough to clog it. And no water was coming out at all from the strainer that is mounted right on top of the thru hull.
So, my next thought was: how am I going to unclog this? I have nothing to connect to it like a hose to backflush it. It’s night time and cold and I’m not diving. What else could I do? Was there something I could shove down it to clear it?
Then I ran across a post online where someone used their airhorn pressed against the strainer housing. Genius! (@Roland gendreau
I closed up the impeller housing and made sure nothing else could stop the air going OUT, then I pressed the horn flange against the strainer housing as airtight as i could and gave a couple quick blows. Lo and behold I could hear it unclog and water started flowing!! Holy crap. It worked and whoever thought of it is a genius. I can’t take credit but I wanted to spread the knowledge!
Photo is not insitu but my old strainer I placed the air horn on so you get the idea.


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
Sometimes, necessity is the mother of invention.
:biggrin: :beer:
Sep 25, 2008
Alden 50 Sarasota, Florida
I have ‘in inventory’ the little compressed gas cylinders that are about 3” long to remove clogs in my house A/c condensate line. Probably a good idea to keep some on the boat too.


Jul 29, 2018
Telstar 28 Buzzards Bay
Courtesy of Stu Jackson, I have used the inflatable pump to blow out clogs - surprisingly powerful.
Jun 2, 2014
Catalina 30 mkII - 1987 Alamitos Bay Marina, LB, CA
Courtesy of Stu Jackson, I have used the inflatable pump to blow out clogs - surprisingly powerful.
I saw that solution posted as well, but I don’t know how I would have attached it.
I would have had to disassemble hoses off of the thru hull and take the fitting out of my pump hose. It would have been a project for sure just to be able to try it.
I didn’t have to disassemble anything.
I just had to make sure I closed the valve for my foot water pump which uses the same inlet and put the cover back on the impeller.
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