Clock/barometer over winter? (Canada)

Oct 28, 2021
Beneteau 323 Wiarton
Thinking ahead to winter, I’m curious if possible to leave our newly installed clock and barometer (with thermometer that goes to -10C) on the bulkhead through the winter months. I worry about wear and tear to put it up and take down every year, but also worry about the thermometer exposed to such low temps. Any concerns/advice?


Jan 11, 2014
Sabre 362 113 Fair Haven, NY
I leave my clock and barometer on board all year. Even leave the battery in. It gets cold here on the south shore of Lake Ontario.

If you do decide to remove it, the mechanism should just twist a little and separate from the base. The base does not have to be removed.
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Jan 4, 2006
Hunter 310 West Vancouver, B.C.
Alcohol is liquid to about -120C so you should be good for MOST Canadian winters.


I store batteries in the freezer so I wouldn't worry about removing them for the winter. With an exotic$$$ clock like that, I'd change the batteries every two years to eliminate any chance of leakage.
May 17, 2004
Beneteau Oceanis 37 Havre de Grace
But if the clock has an alkaline battery I would remove that to prevent it from leaking.
Just to clarify - I don’t mean to remove the battery for fear of it freezing. I just mean to avoid the chance of the battery going dead, corroding, and leaking. My clock (a Weems and Plath) is also removable without unmounting the bracket, so removing the battery is easy enough.
Oct 6, 2007
Hunter H30 1982 Chicago IL
I added both a new weather station with clock and an Electronic SOS Beacon this year and have no concerns about leaving them on the boat through winter lay up. I’ll remove the batteries to avoid possible corrosion or leakage issues. Have been doing the same with the boat’s smoke alarm for years.
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