Cleaning old fiberglass

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Jack Laird

As our older Cherubini boats H27 1979 age the fiberglass pits a little and dirt fills the pits. I have tried everything I can think of to clean the glass but have had limited sucess. HELP, what strange concoction are you guys using to cleanup. Hate not to have a good looking boat both at a distance and up close. Probably bugs me more than anyone else. Not ready to paint thats sort of final. Any good ideas?

Ed Schenck

Sand and ......

Hi Jack, My H37C is a '79 and the f/g looks pretty good. But like you I want that new look. I find that light sanding with 600 grit and then some good wax makes a lot of difference. The gelcoat is thick enough to take a lot of sanding. I'll do the topsides with PoliGlo this season but plan to paint her in a year or two. I've tried the paint on a cockpit locker cover and it looks good.

Greg Stebbins

Believe it or not - FHC

I've been using Fiberglass Hull Cleaner on the topsides of my 23 for about 6 months now. Big wash twice a year and spot cleaning as required. A fellow resident put me on to it when he found me cleaning a cussing the bird gifts one sat. morning. Really amazing stuff removes all organic based stains. Take up everything (sheets, cushions etc.) before you start.

Jack Laird

Clean with no rubbing

Use Clorox undeluted. Wear gloves and have the hose running. Cleans out the pits and almost 100% of anything else whats left a little sandpaper works great. Just started this weekend and the cockpit has never looked so good and I've had the boat 17 years. Thanks for your comments.

John Allison

Got My '79 Looking Great

Its taken 4 seasons but wow what a shine I got this year ..... actually last year was pretty good but this year "Whisper" just sparkles. I begin with 3M Cleaner & Wax (using buffer) and follow up with Starbrite Premium Marine Polish with Teflon. Its work but eventually it pays off.
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