Chesapeake vs. Long Isaland Sound

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After one season opn L.I. Sound I might have to relocate to Maryland. I loved the waters of Long Island. Do I have anything to look foward to on the Chesapeake? I'll either be at Annaploplis or Baltimore Inner Harbor.

Tom Senator

Read Article in October 2000 Cruising World

A debate on which is better -- Long Island Sound vs Chesapeake. It is on page 45.

John Mavrovich

Shallow Draft

Depth of water in the Bay is not like LI Sound. The good news is the muddy bottom. Running aground in mud isn't fun but not as bad as some of the rocks in LI. However, a longer sailing season and a lot of good places to visit. Good luck.


Best in the World

The Chesapeake has to be one of the best cruising grounds in the world. There are so many tributaries that it would take years and years to visit them. As stated earlier the bottom is mud and provides good holding. It's also friendly to your keel should you hit it. Plenty of water unless you draw over 7 ft. You won't be sorry you came. Good luck and Good sailing

Peter Clancy

Best In The World? Get serious!

Yes, I've sailed both areas! Neither one comes close to Biscayne Bay (Miami). You guys don't have 12 months of sunshine and great sailing weather. Can you swim off your transom anytime you want? How often do you have to wear warm clothing and foul weather gear? Fog and overcast? Very seldom down here! Can you make a quick trip to a tropical foreign country, the Bahamas Islands? Get serious!

J. Hrab

Biscayne Bay isMilk Soup

Who wants to sail in non existing wind, Biscayne Bay is too hot, flat, milky. Lake Champlain is best; last week end I was doing 8.5 kn on a close reach, real wind in our faces, it was cold but exhilirating. All summer there are surprises, good and bad and worse. Five years after I will retire I will sail down to Biscayne Bay and fall asleep. Jean . Hrab

Tom Senator

Its comparing Chesapeake Vs. LI Sound

Not the world.....Real sailors have to winterize thier boats ;-)

Gary Jensen

Don't discount San Fran Bay Area

When listing some of the best areas to sail, San Francisco and the ajoining Pacific Ocean should be included. Im not talking about swimming off the back of the boat, Im talking great wind, beautiful scenery, tons of areas to go (The Ocean, Delta or the bay) last week on a cruise down to Half Moon Bay, we encountered Blue Whales, Dolphins, Large great white shark, seals and a lot of jelly fish. Im not saying that the sailing is "THE BEST" here, just one of the best places!

Jim Cook


place to sail is where your boat is RIGHT NOW! If you aren't satisfied with where the boat is now, just sail it somewhere else. The "Getting there" is the fun. Corpus Christi doesn't have the best scenery, but: The weather is warm year-around, The winds are consistant, and That's where "Dream Chaser" is waiting for me. Happy Sails to You, Until we meet again.... Happy Sails to You, Keep smiling until then... JimC

Peter Clancy

Biscayne Bay redux!

The respondent from Montreal has obviously never sailed on Biscayne Bay. Prevailing breezes are 10-15 knots year-round. Bay water is crystal clear, you can see the bottom in 90% of the bay. Give me a warm, comfortable breeze anytime, not a cold, but "exhilirating" sailing experience. And you can only have that wonderful experience about 3-4 months out of the year.

Tom Senator

Very possible to sail LI Sound 8 Months

If you get in early (Like I did this year Before Tax day Apr 14) and sail until Thanksgiving (like I probably will) you can get 8 months sailing. No the temp's are not always above 70, but you'd be surprised how many lovely days there are in March (I can remember how nice at St. Pats Day) all the way into early Dec on the NE coast......but then again...there can be some nasty days too....;-)

Peter Clancy

Long Island Sound Nice Days

To be fair, we had two beautiful days of sailing on LI Sound out of Stamford in mid-August at the Catalina 320 Annual Meet.

R. Palaia

Check out Mears Point Marina, Kent Narrows

We visited friends this past weekend. They are at Mears Point, just at the foot of the Bay Bridge in Kent Narrows. If you're looking for a great place, this has to be it. Roc

J. Hrab


Dear Peter, Yes I have sailed Biscayne Bay, this past January with a 376. We did have one day of heavy duty sailing. If you are around these parts: Lake Chmplain: you have an invitation anytime to come sailing on my Vision 32. I'll take off work at the drop of a hat. I promise we will not have a discussion on where its best: we'll just sail all day. I mean it ! Sincerely, Jean Hrab
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