Check your Batteries!

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Jun 16, 2004
Catalina 30 Mk1 Horseshoe Bay, BC
I'm an idiot. I didn't check the fluid level in my batteries until today. Naturally they were dry. The two expensive six volt batteries were dry, but my cheap starting battery was of course fine. CHECK THE ELECTROLYTE LEVEL IN YOUR BATTERIES NOW! I would be interested to know how many people check the electrolyte level on a monthly basis, and how many people (if anyone will admit to it) don't bother.



60 days works for me. I keep a maintenance log for things like that. If I am cruising and using the batteries hard, then 30 days.



When I bought my boat My battreys where dry and very hard to get to so I went for gels and only check them once a season unless there is ghost in my boat messing around with my power.sorry for your loss. John
Jun 16, 2004
Catalina 30 Mk1 Horseshoe Bay, BC
Battery recommendations?

I'm hoping they aren't toast. But they probably are. It looks like they were old - 1997. I should be happy they still worked last August during my holiday cruise when we bought the boat and sailed it up from Olympia Washington. I checked them then and topped them off. Its amazing what a few months can do to the batteries! I was looking at the Trojan 105 6V batteries. Anyone tried these? Any recommendations for other brands?


check batteries for sure

Hi Don; batteries are one of the most neglected items on a boat........out of sight, out of mind. Check them regularly and clean the connections as well. They may appear to be clean, but enough corrosion to hamper proper charge and discharge cycles isn't always visible. I have 85 lb. batteries in my Cat320 that I leave on my boat all winter. I charge them every 4 - 6 weeks, depending on temperatures. Use a hydrometer to see if the cells are strong. A voltmeter will not show you if the battery will work under a start your engine. Some people like the Surette brand. Very expensive, but you might get 10 years out of them. You can either replace a cheap one every few years, or go with the better ones.....choices, choices. Must be springtime in beautiful B.C. We still have plenty of cold here...-14 C tonight. Cheers, Ron


sorry Rob

Sorry about that Rob, I had read Don's response and his name stuck in my head.........told you it was cold up here :) Ron
Jun 16, 2004
Catalina 30 Mk1 Horseshoe Bay, BC
More battery problems...

You guys are not going to believe this. My truck died, and when I checked the battery, it had no water in it! I had to buy a new one. I should buy shares in a battery company!
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