Cay Sal Bank Bahamas

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I just returned from a trip from Marathon Fl to Double Headed Cays on the Cay Sal Bank. The Cays are located about 60 NM Southeast of Marathon Florida and is one of the most remote interesting place I have been. We left Coco Plum at 9:00 a.m. on a Carver 42 and cruised about 9 Knots. The trip took about seven hours and the Gulf Stream crossing was a little rough. The wind was 10 to 15 from the SE. One tip make sandwiches before you leave. We sighted the abandoned light house about 11 miles out. The water is from 600 to 1000 feet deep up to 3 to 5 miles from the bank. You can approach to within a few feet from the land with depths of 20 to 25 feet. The light house and ruins are worth the trip. We then turned Northeast and followed the chain of small islands about 5 miles to Water Cays where we picked up a mooring (only one) directly in front of a cave that opens to a beatuiful pool. We spent a night and watched a tremendous light show of thunderstorms over Cuba. Late in the night one storm hit us and we rolled around a bit. At the end of the storm my wife and I when up to check our mooring and were greeted by the big dipper framed in a golden light from the slight fog left over from the storm; a sight we will never forget. The next day we took the dingy over to the island and saw a beach and tracks from a turtle that had made a nest the night before. We then went back to the light house a picked up a mooring (the only one) and had a restful night. We left for Marathon around 9:00 a.m. and returned. The crossing of the stream this time was as smooth as any lake. This area is remote and we saw only one other boat during our two day stay. You certainly need to be self sufficent as the nearest help is Cuba about 30 miles away.
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