Catalina 315 Quick Genius 600 Windlass Anchor Rode

Aug 1, 2021
Catalina 315 OTM, Stockton, MO
Captains of the 315,

Quick recommends their 1/4 chain, 3 strand polyester rope for their windlass. The splice is a Quick system rope/chain joint (slim splice that is more tapered to prevent jamming). I know nylon rope is supposedly better for anchor rope because of it’s elasticity. My question is what are you Captains using and is that rode working without jamming? My boat is a month away from delivery and I’m in the process of provisioning.

Jan 4, 2006
Hunter 310 West Vancouver, B.C.
I find it unusual that you still have the same new Catalina 315 on order almost a year later after you first posted here about this boat. I can only assume it's a slow delivery process.

Never heard of a Genius windlass and it doesn't seem to be a big seller.


This does not seem to be the windlass you want for a brand new Cat 315. Their write up of construction materials leaves something to be desired. Just going by the old adage that "you get what you pay for" at $676.48, you're looking at a windlass that will be a source of problems from very early on. You should be looking at a quality windlass such as a Maxwell, Lewmar or other known brands.

It really starts to get weird when they mention that a special Quick system rope chain joint is required ? ? ? ?


I've never heard of a gypsy which would not accept a DIY crown splice. Time to hit the books and learn how to tie your own crown splice. Also check the archives here and you'll learn how to match the chain to your gypsy. You'll appreciate it more.

And polyester rode ? ? ? ?

IMHO, this is one anchoring system you need to get away from, and quickly.


Last edited:
Aug 1, 2021
Catalina 315 OTM, Stockton, MO
Ralph: Thanks for your reply and file on splicing. Yes, I'm still waiting for delivery after ordering a year ago. Pandemic, labor shortage, supply chain issues have wrecked what used to be a 5 to 6 month turn around. A friend ordered his Catalina 355 same time and he just took delivery last month. Frustrating needless to say. That Quick Genius windlass is the standard that Catalina is putting on the 315. Quick recommends (not requires) their special splice to prevent possible jamming hence my questions to 315 Captains if they are using something else and if they are having jamming issues. Thanks again.
Jan 4, 2006
Hunter 310 West Vancouver, B.C.
Yes, I'm still waiting for delivery after ordering a year ago. Pandemic, labor shortage, supply chain issues have wrecked what used to be a 5 to 6 month turn around.
Holy crap :yikes: !

And I thought I was hard done by when my boat showed up two months late after the plant missed shipping it in June 1998. They sent me a 1999 model in August 1998. Welcome to 2022 (and the future ? ? ? ? ).

That Quick Genius windlass is the standard that Catalina is putting on the 315.
I see why Catalina is supplying the Genius windlass at that price. About 1/2 the price of other brand name windlasses. I also see why you're after other's with experience and opinions on this windlass. Me, I'm just too much of a tried and true sort of guy when it comes to heavy weight safety gear on my boat. But when it comes to interior gadgets, I'm all over it like a bad smell. And if I can save a nickel, I'll search the web for days looking.

My boat is a month away from delivery and I’m in the process of provisioning.
Best of luck on the delivery date. You've got to get some summer sailing in after all the waiting.


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
I look at the windlass as part of a system for the boat and the waters I will sail.
Ralph is right about the selection based on sailing a boat in the PacificNW. Not only do we employ larger anchors with their heavier chain (thus the need for a strong windlass), but there are the tidal current changes, winter storms, williwaws, various anchorage bottoms all contribute challenging the skipper and his system to keep the boat in one selected place.

Your sailing, I am guessing, on Stockton Lake has a whole different set of conditions and challenges.

I would speak with local sailors that have boats similar to yours about their discovery of equipment needs.

Ralph makes a valid point in learning why Quick stresses their spliced line rig with their windlass. It could be their clientele has bought the windlass, tied the road and chain together with a series of granny knots and complained when it did not work. On the other hand it could be that they built the throat of the gypsy too narrow.

I would shy away from polyester line in favor of nylon 8 plait rode. It has a good hand feel and it lays neatly in the anchor locker without twisting up. You have to annually inspect it, but that should be done anyway.
Aug 19, 2022
catalina 315 Lake Diefenbaker
Our 2018 Catalina 315 came with the Quick windlass. The dealer spliced our rope and chain. Wouldn’t run through the gypsy. The commissioning guy redid the splice. Didn’t fit through the gypsy. Looked at the Genius website. Decided I wasn’t going to pay to have their specially spliced rode shipped to Canada. Four years later we haven’t used the gypsy, just the drum.
Apr 17, 2013
Catalina 310 57 Pompano Beach, FL
Our 2018 Catalina 315 came with the Quick windlass. The dealer spliced our rope and chain. Wouldn’t run through the gypsy. The commissioning guy redid the splice. Didn’t fit through the gypsy. Looked at the Genius website. Decided I wasn’t going to pay to have their specially spliced rode shipped to Canada. Four years later we haven’t used the gypsy, just the drum.
Does the chain fit in the gypsy? Do you pull the chain in by hand or do you wrap it around the drum to pull it in? How many feet of chain do you have?
Aug 19, 2022
catalina 315 Lake Diefenbaker
So, yes the chain did fit in the gypsy. But, we originally only had 20 feet of chain and as soon as the splice hit the gypsy it would lose its grip and not be able to recover. The proprietary splice from Quick is very very short so the gypsy can shunt the splice and reacquire the rode and keep on pulling up the anchor. Our splice was too long.

We have 60 feet of chain now. We use the drum to pull up the rope rode and pull the chain by hand. The drum could handle the chain but my husband simply doesn’t like the noise.
May 17, 2004
Beneteau Oceanis 37 Havre de Grace
We have a Quick windlass with 40’ of chain spliced to nylon 3 strand. I don’t know if the splice is Quick’s recommended method but I suspect it’s just an ordinary splice. The splice runs over the gypsy fine but can hockle making the turn from the gypsy down to the hawsepipe. As we’re bringing the anchor in we just pull the rope from below the hawsepipe at that point to keep it running smoothly. Wouldn’t work if we were running the windlass remotely but otherwise is not a big deal.


SBO Weather and Forecasting Forum Jim & John
Oct 22, 2014
CAL 35 Cruiser #21 moored EVERETT WA
Perhaps, it is the rode that is contributing to the chainsplice issue.

In our waters a long chain helps to secure the pull on the anchor is along the bottom maintaining a proper angle in varying depths of water. With 250 ft (76 meters) of rode 8 plait nylon and 105 ft (32 meters) chain - the effort on retrieval is for the windlass. The rode to chain splice has worked flawlessly since installed in 2018.