Catalina 22 Paint project with Alexseal.


Nov 16, 2019
Catalina 22 4042 Any water in driving distance!
Another paint thred... I know... but this one's fun I promise :) There's also quite a few pictures, Hopefully it's not too big for the forum!

Over the winter, I've re-painted my '83 Catalina swing-keel, and, personally, I think it turned out pretty good! I ended up using Alexseal paint, and more-or-less followed the examples from Andy at BoatWorksToday, rolling it on using the "rolling additive" that he recomended.

I bought the boat last fall, and decided quickly that it needed at least bottom paint as the existing stuff didn't seem to have gelcoat underneath, and was about 30% worn away.

This next step took some guts! I managed to get it up on blocks and off the trailer (the swing keel was un-bolted and stayed with the trailer)
I based my approach on the guide by "Jim's little boat" who I highly recommend. However, I would also say that you should do your own homework... this worked for me, but maybe something else will work for you.

After that came the Sand-pocalypse! (note damage from bad bunk boards along top right, oof!) and also the not-painted sections around the bunk boards where the blue paint had been completely worn away from miles on the road...
as a side note: I used a cyclonic dust separator and followed the advice of BoatWorksToday, Got a sander with good dust collection capabilities, and it was absolutely worth the investment. If you're thinking of doing a big job like this, get the tools to do it right!

Whoever had decided to paint this boat red initially hadn't done me any favors, there were several patches like this where the paint was bubbling up and even some patches that were still gooey which apparently never correctly hardened. perhaps whoever it was didn't know how to mix epoxy, lol.

Sanding done, it was time for fresh primer, and it looks so much better already!

3 coats of primer later.. and the black goes on! I decided to put black paint below the waterline. According to the internet, this is a bold choice.. but the black paint did just fine.. and I think it's got a better finish than the topside paint..


ended up doing about 4 coats of black, and at the same time I started on the top-sides. this was around early Jan. I'm glad I gave myself the whole winter to get this project done... given that i'm working at the speed of "distracted adult" :)
Also, Surprise! it's blue now! Honestly, I only ended up picking this color because it's what Miller Boat Works had in-stock at the time, though I really do like it.

A few more coats of blue and she's done! (4 total) Technically, I still have yet to finalize the bootstripe... will probably put a vinyl one on for now, and see how she sits, then re-work as needed next winter. She was a little stern heavy IMO, and i'm planning to move some weight around to try and correct it.

If you got this far, thanks for reading!
Unfortunately, the boat ramps are still closed up here in Wisconsin, but I can't wait for warmer weather! See you out on the water!


Sep 24, 2018
Catalina 30 MKIII Chicago
That hull paint looks fantastic! Was this tip and rolled?

On a side note, I know a guy that used an automotive jack and a block of wood to raise it just enough to get bottom paint on the bunks. Maybe it'll work for you when it's time to re-apply


Nov 16, 2019
Catalina 22 4042 Any water in driving distance!
just rolled didnt tip. I used the small diameter foam rollers they have at the hardware store.
I ended up mixing the paint a little thinner than recomended, basically following the 'for spraying' instructions.
then added the magic sauce rolling addidive. I think its kind of a surfactant that helps the texture of the roller flow out.
I'll have to look into that car jack idea!
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Sep 24, 2018
Catalina 30 MKIII Chicago
just rolled didnt tip. I used the small diameter foam rollers they have at the hardware store.
I ended up mixing the paint a little thinner than recomended, basically following the 'for spraying' instructions.
then added the magic sauce rolling addidive. I think its kind of a surfactant that helps the texture of the roller flow out.
I'll have to look into that car jack idea!
What kind of nap did the roller have? Any chance you could grab a close up pic of the paint texture, if there is any?


Nov 16, 2019
Catalina 22 4042 Any water in driving distance!
Here's a picture of the roller (post use) it's normally white foam.
The texture is tough to get but i did my best... and I think a round of light sanding and one more coat would remove nearly all of it.
I took more time on the bottom, and that came out a little better.


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Jan 20, 2005
Nauticat 321 pilothouse 32 Erie PA
they say in a Boatworks video to never use a wooll / nap type roller. ' the fibers will stick in your paint and you will be unhappy.'


Nov 16, 2019
Catalina 22 4042 Any water in driving distance!
Yeah, I tried the synthetic hair/fuzz type rollers, and they are okay, but I ended up settling on the foam ones because they don't leave any lint. The surface texture the roller leaves doesn't really matter, as the paint flows out pretty well if mixed right.
The only reason I have as much texture as I do is because I tried to do 2 coats wet-on-wet. And I think the roller texture imprinted on the partially dry first layer. I would have to do a fair bit of sanding to get rid of it now, and tbh, it's not bad enough to justify that kind of effort. Maybe next fall if I'm feeling squirrely.
Feb 10, 2022
Catalina 22 473 Idaho Falls, ID
Beautiful job on the paint! Can you share how much of the Alexseal primer+converter and paint+ converter you needed for all the coats? I'm getting ready to do mine as well.


Nov 16, 2019
Catalina 22 4042 Any water in driving distance!
Sorry for the late reply! I followed the manufacturer's instructions, and they seemed pretty spot on. I did 3 coats of primer and 4 of top-coat. Took about 1/2 gal of primer and a little over 1/4 gal of each color. Also one can of their "rolling additive"
Mixed with converter/reducer per the "spraying" instructions... even though I rolled it.
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Feb 10, 2022
Catalina 22 473 Idaho Falls, ID
It looks absolutely fantastic! Thanks again for documenting all the work you did. Between Andy, Jim, and your contributions, there’s a ton of invaluable information here for all of us. I just got mine out for her first sail of the year this last Sunday. It was spectacular!