Capri 25 aft lowers adjustment

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On some Capri 25 I have seen the lowers with adjustments { block and tackle } to adjust the tension.What is the purpose? My guess is it is for raking the rig { mast } forward downwind. Is this correct? and if so does it work

Keven Piper

Adjustable Shrouds

They probably got the idea from the Capri 30's which use them to adjust mast bend. It would allow you to power up the mainsail by pulling them on tight. Fortunately, with the simple rig on the Capri, a well cut mainsail should not need any more mast bend adjustment than you can impose with your vang and backstay. There is a good rig tuning guide for the Capri that will help you set up your boat at

Gordon Brown

Capri 25 Tuning

Craig, Check out our Capri 25 Tuning Guide at our Website. Or call us with questions. Thanks.
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