Capri 18 Reefing Assistance Sought - Any pictures?

May 25, 2019
Catalina Capri 18 Bronx, NY
Not sure if I am suffering from a mental block, or if there are pieces missing from my standing rigging, but I would like some help in getting the rigging for reefing the Capri 18 (1987) done correctly.
1) On the starboard side of the boom I have a block positioned near the gooseneck, and another block near the clew. No pad eyes or cleats on this side.
2) On the port side of the boom I have a pad eye close to the clew, a cleat about 1/3 of the toward the mast and then another cleat closer to the mast.

Reading the manual, I'm just not sure if I have everything in the right place, or if I should be using 2 separate reefing lines, or just 1, as the diagram refers to a pad eye and cleat on the starboard side that do not exist on my setup.

Does anyone have the patience to explain this to me, preferably with some pictures?
Feb 21, 2013
Hunter 46 Point Richmond, CA
You have described your set up very well but a few photos of the reefing lines and hardware might help. Below are 2 diagrams to assist you in reefing your sails with the hardware you described. While you are waiting for a response from the forum you might contact Capri 18 owners on this link. Owner Directory (
Last edited:
Jul 19, 2013
Pearson 31-2 Boston
Given the hardware you describe, I would assume that your main is setup for one reef and the reefing line would run this way.

One end secured on the padeye, running up thru the reefing clew grommet, then down to the aft block, turning foreword to the fore block, where it turns up and thru a reefing tack grommet, then down to the forward cleat. When reefing, you lower the main, then standing on the port side of the boom, trim in on the reefing line until both the clew and tack reefing points come to the boom, then secure the reefing line. This would be an example of single line reefing, done at the mast.
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