Capri 14 mast aftstay?

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I just bought a used 1978 Capri 14. Now, I was told that the design of the boat does not require an aftstay to rig the mast. So the mast will be secured by a port and starboard shroud and a forestay. Okay, then my (silly) question, is: What in the hec keeps the mast from leaning/falling toward the bow? Would I be correct in assuming that the boom and traveler rigging function as such?

mark v.

swept back spreaders

the chainplates are aft of being in line with the mast wich creates a angle that in conjunction with the swept back spreaders puts enough of an aft angle on the mast that a backstay is not nesecary .[please! someone else come up with a better answere!] :0


re: swept back spreaders

Well, that answer works for me, Mark. Thanks! :)
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