Can 1 person raise the mast if so ,how?

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You need a few things to help out. The first is a mast up system. This is basically something that mounts somewhere to the back of the boat to start lifting the mast past horizontal. Some mount on the gudgeons. Others sit in the aft end of the cockpit. The next thing you need is an "A" frame. You can also make this easily. The idea is you roll the mast aft on the mast up device until you can pin the bottom of the mast into the tabernacle. Then you lift the mast as far as you can with the mast up device. Using the A frame and a line from the top of the A frame to a turning block on the bow and then back to a winch and crank it up. Obviously you need the backstay, shrouds and after lowers made up. The head stay goes to the top of the A frame. Here is an explanation. Dan
Nov 12, 2006
Catalina 36 Bainbridge Island
Raising the Mast

I raised the mast on my first boat (Laguna 24), not much more than a C22 by using a crutch at the transom to slightly raise the mast. I would attach the shrouds, attach the jib halyard to the bow tack plate, raise the mast (it wasn't that heavy) take up the slack on the jib halyard, cleat it off on the mast cleat, then go forward to attach the forestay. That was 25 years ago, but I am sure I could still do this today (I'm 64).


Aug 29, 2005
Catalina 22 Ohio

Well, I have raised and lowered the mast alone on mine. I do have a system which Dan called the Mast Up system but no A frame for steadying the front yet. If you are in good shape and if you have some strength you can get the mast raised by standing on the cabin sliding hatch straddling the mast with your legs and then walking it up and lifting. However you lift the mast, you need to watch that your lines aren't tangled and that you don't bend the t-bolts on the shrouds as you are going up. You also need to watch that the mast doesn't go sideways at the first part of the raising. The big problem comes when you are trying to set the forestay after the mast is up. You need to have the mast supported at one point where you are walking from the base of the mast to the bow to attach the stay. I used the jib halyard with a jib downhaul to help at that point. As a disclaimer: If it is windy or if you are unsure that you can do it, DON'T even try it.


Jun 1, 2004
Catalina 22 P. P. Y. C.
gin pole

Along with the mast up you can also use a gin pole to raise the mast alone. I use one to raise and lower the mast by myself.


Check this out!!

I stumbled on this video of this guy stepping his mast. He makes it look easy. He just might be way stronger than me.


No "A Frame" Needed

I raise my mast by myself without an "A Frame". Because the catalina 22 has Six side stays it is possible to use the real four side stays to steady the mast laterally as you raise it. I liked the video from an earlier item in this thread. It showed a prop. that lifts the mast beyond horizontal. Once the mast is beyond horizontal I use a line that goes from the bow to the winch on my mast. In this way I do not have to worry about hurting my back lifting the mast and I can tie it off so I then can attach teh remaining sidestays and forestay. My bow has three points to attach the forestay so I use one of the available points to attach my line to raise the mast. I am certain there are many easy ways to lift a C-22 mast. It is fairly light and there are always places to stand. "Give me a lever and a place to stand and I can move the world", my lever is simply my winch handle. For any of you sailors who have raised a Hobie-18 mast you have found there is no such place to stand.

Ken Hastie

Here's my way

Here's my solution:
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