Aug 11, 2011
O'day 30 313 Georgetown MD
I could use your help if you have a Universal 5416 otherwise known as an M-20 diesel engine. I am in need to have a question answered. Was there a rebuild or re engineered to the engine at a later date. Reason I ask is that the my engine number plate says 5416, how ever the fresh water pump (coolant circulator) listed in the parts manual is 298845 which is a Kubota part 15401-73030. For my engine this is incorrect.
See image below

How ever this is the replacement for the pump on my engine (16 mounting holes and 3 placement/weep holes). See below:

So I'm not sure which engine I have. It's not a 5411 and it's not a 5418. It is a two cylinder. Here is a picture of mine:


Anyone who can help, I say thank you in advance
Feb 26, 2004
Catalina 34 224 Maple Bay, BC, Canada
Have you noodled around on You could use your various model #s and they often have pictures of the engines, too. IIRC they did for my M25. Good luck.
Jan 4, 2006
Hunter 310 West Vancouver, B.C.
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Oct 27, 2021
ODay 34 Bristol, RI
hmmm...I meant 5424, but yes, you're right is it a three cylinder. The front of it looks the same to me, maybe they used some of the same parts?
Jun 11, 2004
Oday 31 Redondo Beach
So I'm not sure which engine I have. It's not a 5411 and it's not a 5418. It is a two cylinder. Here is a picture of mine:
Does the oil dipstick have a Kubota model number on it? Like maybe Z751? That's not necessarily definitive but a good start.

Even better, do you have the Kubota serial number?



Engine number position on most models

When a customer contacts us for parts we invariably need to know the model and serial number to identify the particular application from the vast range of engine models that have been produced over the years.

Kubota have produced engines in configurations from single cylinder to six cylinders. Kubota identify their engines by a very simple system: single-cylinder engine numbers commence with O, two-cylinder engines with Z, three-cylinder with D, four-cylinder with a V, five-cylinder wirh F, and six-cylinder with S. Following this letter there is a 3 or 4 digit number (eg Z482) then a space followed by the engine serial number.

On most Kubota engines the model identification and serial number can be found on the machined flat face adjacent to the fuel injection pump. It will more than certainly be necessary in most cases to scrape a heavy deposit of paint off (perhaps several coats thick) to reveal the details.
Feb 26, 2004
Catalina 34 224 Maple Bay, BC, Canada
The front of it looks the same to me, maybe they used some of the same parts?
Many of that era of engines used a similar, if not identical gear case cover. They are no longer available. Because of that we have been warning Universal engine owners to investigate the alternator brackets that they have installed. On many models prior to around 1987-88, the OEM bracket was a casting which could AND DID !!! fail catastrophically and dropped the alternator right into the gear case cover, which is NOT a good thing. And once installed it must be aligned properly.
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Aug 11, 2011
O'day 30 313 Georgetown MD
Maybe they were all built by British Leyland, back in the day. They just pulled whatever was on the shelf, if it fitted, they used it!!!! HA HA HA!
Jan 22, 2008
Oday 30 Stamford CT
Hi, I own a 1983 O'Day 30 with a with a Universal 5416 engine. I compared the picture of your engine to mine and they are the same except that I upgraded the raw water pump on mine and yours still has the original Sherwood and I added a tee and a vent valve by the water temperature sensor. I replaced the fresh water engine pump on my enigne in 2007 and installed pump # 300647 which is similar to the pump you show with the long channel on it. I believe there was a pump change/upgrade on the 5416 engine. I just went through my paperwork for the pump change and found in my notes that the first pump that was sent to me was the round pump part similar to the first one of your pictures part number # J298845. I called the dealer and told them the problem and was told that my engine needed the (Florida shaped) pump # 300647. They exchanged the pumps and gaskets and I was able to install it. I get my engine parts from Hansen Marine Engineering in Marblehead, MA.


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Aug 11, 2011
O'day 30 313 Georgetown MD
Thank you GeorgeC. This is the information I needed to confirm my thoughts. I have already purchased the "Florida" style unit, I just needed to confirm. I have found that there are two styles. One with 15 mounting holes and one with 16, both with three alignment peg holes. I counted the number of bolts and nuts on mine and your #300647, confirms my purchase. Thanks again. Happy Turkey day to you all!