I suffered it !!
I suffered it !! (OCEANIS 381)I understand you, I think (see the article I posted months ago, more or less TURNING RIGHT WITH THE ENGINE) !!Actually I solved the problem.First I change the prop for another with opposite sense of turning (the gear-inversor allowed it).This, and the next, was enough to get a "normal" reaction of the rudder and the boat indeed. Any way I´m keep trying to get the "proper" prop, what I consider almost imposible, or very expensive ... in my former boat (Dufour 31) it tooks me (really to the dealer) 5 differents props after a change of engine, and I never felt as I if I have the "right one"...Back to the 381, when I change the prop. I did some compro-bations and I find out that the acelerator was limited for the former owner (only 2.500 rpm, when the estándar was 3.700 rpm), the boat was a charter unit and I think the owner changed the prop for another overpitched, so the boat could get more or less the standard speed ... avoiding abu-ses for the "renters".The prop I fixed (one lost in the mechanic store ...) was one inch less of diameter and two inches less of pitch, then the boat get the same speed and the estándar rpm. But when the sea becomes "no flat" the boat looses more sped than I think he should. And also I feel as if the prop would be too small, that boat gets the speed "slowly" and looks like as if there isn´t close relationship between the gas (or the engine rpm) and the reactions or speed of the boat.I was told (this seems to be a generally accepted subject) that if is a right prop fitted the engine looses a 10% of the rpm from the max. estándar when is with all the acelera-tor-gas (whitout black gasses).With all these scenario I order a new prop with the same diameter but with two inches less of pitch than the "original", I´ll try it in 10 or 15 days.If you want to know the results of this new prop let me know I´d be very please helping.Really sorry about my english ...Nicolas Soler