Bronze or meralon ball valves and thru hulls?

Mar 27, 2016
Catalina 30 Hingham
Ok decided to haul out to replace leaking engine raw water intake thru hull and ball valve . In my 1989 Catalina 30. Should I replace it with another meralon or go with bronze?
Nov 7, 2012
1978 Catalina 30 Wilbur-by-the-Sea
Good question. Having put forespar type 93 Marelon fittings in our boat last haul, replacing 30 yo bronze that was rotten, I have trouble understanding why you marelon thru hull has sprung a leak.

I went marelon because our marina has a few live aboards and I worry mostly about electrolysis because some of those folks have more home electronics that I have in my house.

Bronze will most likely last as long as you own the boat, marelon as long as the boat.
Jan 6, 2010

I have an industrial piping background. Marlon is impervious to fresh & salt water.
Plus, they are pretty big in body.
Ball valves by definition are called positive shutoff valves. Gate valves on the other-hand are NOT.

I have NO GATE VALVES in my house or boat.
Why you ask, ball valves will not fail you unfortunately, gate valves will.
The worst gate valves have a rising stem. Turning the handle, it will rise.

If having gate valves on your boat and/or house, open them fully
& then turn a minimum quarter turn back to close. This way, you won't freeze the seating.

Just something to keep in mind pal.

Nov 7, 2012
1978 Catalina 30 Wilbur-by-the-Sea
Oh, just figured out that you live up in freeze country. Must of had water someplace that caused the leak when it froze. Glad I live in Florida. Bummer.
Mar 27, 2016
Catalina 30 Hingham
Just took it apart it was actually the wooden backing plate rotted. Should wood be used as a backing plate or something like a starboard? Also what should be used as sealant when new one is installed?
Jan 6, 2010

My rule of thumb, wood & water do NOT mix well.
Starboard, with a base flanged fitting before the valve will work if sealed properly.

Brass is OK as long as you are not near other boats running shorepower.
especially if in saltwater, with stray current, brass can over time pit & fail.