Broken steering cable

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Kevin Filer

The steering cable on my 79 Hunter 30 is broken. Actually there is an (approx) 16 inch chain that joins the ends of the cable. Presumably the chain (which resembles a bike chain) rides over a gear on the wheel hub inside of the wheel pedestal. Where can I get another cable/chain? Do I have to remove the entire wheel pedestal from the sole of the cockpit to do the repair? There doesn't seem to be any obvious way of disassembling the pedestal while it stands in place. Thanks Kevin

henry Weber

H30 broken steering linkage

Kevin, same happened to me (h30 77), The chain was not centered with the rudder centered. This allowed the fitting at the chain end to hit the drive gear in the extreme position resulting in the eventual failure of the SS fitting. Suddenly after a moment of max stress on the steering system, the chain and cables fell off and no more steering control. The repair can be done from the top of the pedestal by removing the binnacle. You can get the new parts from Edsen (even though the steering is originally from Merriman, I believe). Parts are very expensive but I was fortunate to find a new set of cables, fittings, and chain all made up at a clearance at Sailorman (local 2nd hand chandlery in Fort Lauderdale) for $25. I believe the new price was a bit over $100. The installation is relatively simple. Remember to lubricate the parts well and make sure that the chain is properly centered when the rudder is at the center position. The adjustment is by turnbuckles on each side of the steering quadrant. Good luck, Henry


When mine broke, I took it to a local rigger and had it made up. Replacing it was just as Henry described. I think I saved about $25 having a rigger make it up vs purchasing it from Edson.

Adrienne Muller Camesas

I am in the process of replacing a broken steering cable on my 1999 Hunter 260. I called the dealer and Hunter company who claim "this rarely happens" but anyway. Hunter referred me to Edson who makes the steering wheel. THey referred me to SECO South who make the cable--- Jean @727-536-1924). I took off the cable (Hunter may be able to tell you your exact size but they couldn't tell me mine) and sent it to them so that they could make another. I accessed the cable by taking off the top cover/drink holder on top of the steering column and pulled up the chain. I then attached a line to the cable by the loop that attaches to the chain and the other end to the chain itself. I pulled the cable out through the back of the boat near the rudder pulley so that I had a path to follow when I reinstalled it). I've gotten the new cable and am planning on doing it this weekend. Please note- apparently it does matter which cable goes on top of the rudder pulley so find out! Hope this is helpful- let me know if you get any additional info.

Kevin Filer


By way of turns out my steering system was made by Merriman Yacht Specialites, which is no longer in business, so a replacement is not readily available. I contacted Seco South, who said they may be able to duplicate it even though they did not make it. I plan to send the cable to them to let them have a look. If this doesn't work, I may have too retrofit my steering with Edson parts, which will undoubtedly get spendy.
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