Boom to Mast "hinge" broken

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Justin Shetter

I have a 14.2 Capri Cyclone. It has been a trailer boat for about 10-15 years, or at least thats my guess. I have been sailing it pretty hard the last 3 years, and some wear has began to show, even after my watchful care. I was sailing this Sunday, and while I was tied up, reattaching the sail to the boom, the hinge that is attached (screwed) into the boom, and is attached the the mast, broke. It appears to be a stress break. I was wondering if anyone could let my know of a place that I could find this part, as well as a few other small things. My email address is

Dave Lyle


I own a '96 model Capri 16 and I lost the bronze fitting at the end of the boom that attaches to the mast. Catalina Yachts was quite helpful. I called the company in California, asked for parts, and the fellow said they were $10. I ordered two and the shipping was only $4.90. I presume they would stock parts for your boat.

Justin Shetter

RE: Gooseneck

Thanks for your help, I will call Catalina ASAP:)....1 question...whats their number!!
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