I was out on a power boat yesterday, and sailing last weekend. It's sobering to know that others lost their lives for doing about the same thing.
We don't know, yet, what happened. Stay parted? Keel dropped off? Gust of wind caused swamping? So many things can go wrong. We do know that if you go in the cold water, with or without life jackets, you are in serious trouble.
Yet, there are frostbite fleets who have a safe history. Maybe their success is in having support boats to pluck swampee's out of the water in fractions of minutes instead of fractions of hours - or worse.
I love off season sailing for many reasons. The harsh angle of the sun, the clarity of the water, the different wildlife around, the lack of power boaters and their slop to sail in, the clear air and the fun of going out when others are cowering in their abodes.
But it's a bit scary because an incident that in the summer would mean a nice swim could cost your life.
I'm not going to give up off season sailing. But another boat or two out there with us would be some comfort.
I'm really sorry for the people lost and their loved ones. I hope not to join their ranks. But, I don't want to be restricted out of those beautiful winter water excursions.