Black Butyl tape?


Apr 29, 2022
Jeanneau Tonic 23 Erie, PA
I'm looking for a black butyl tape. Bed-It does not come in black. 3M Weatherban is too pricey.
Has anyone used a black butyl tape they like? Doesn't stain and doesn't creep too much?
Nov 21, 2007
Beneteau Oceanis 34 Kingston, WA
I think I found some at NAPA, but that was more than 10 years ago. I only used a small amount, and I don't remember having any major problems. I do remember watching it closely, and continuing to clean up around the edges of the parts that I had rebedded with it, but that was just minor clean up. I could easily be persuaded to part with some or all of it. I still have almost all of what I bought, but I won't be back to where it's stored for at least three weeks. Not that it's great weather for working with the stuff in Erie right now.


Jun 24, 2021
Seafarer 26 Carlyle IL
Check out McMaster-Carr. I seem to remember that's where I found mine.
Sep 24, 2018
Catalina 30 MKIII Chicago
I just remembered that there have been a number of people using just VHB to secure windows. There's dozens of types of VHB tape and some specifically for the marine industry. 3M's tech support can help with product selection. They're now using VHB instead of rivets on trailers, windows and panels on RV's and according to the link above, architectural panels and window glazing.

Did you paint the gelcoat under the plexi black so it doesn't show as much?
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Apr 29, 2022
Jeanneau Tonic 23 Erie, PA
I love VHB and VHB + 795 is probably the best way to install windows, however my windows are mechanically fastened with aluminum frames. I debated changing to VHB + 795 but that would also require changing interior trim, changing my new curtains, etc. so I decided to stay with the current aluminum frames for now. I could prime the inside of the acrylic with black as is commonly done for Sika 295, but by using black (or gray) butyl I don't need to. I've acquired both the black XFasten and gray Bed- it and will try both for now.


Apr 29, 2022
Jeanneau Tonic 23 Erie, PA
My windows are in. I found the gray bed-it much easier to use than the black Xfasten. The Xfasten was too sticky making it difficult to apply. It would stick to my fingers more than to the boat. In addition the width was not consistent, but maybe I got a bad batch. The Bed-it was much easier to use. With my new dark smoke windows, I think the ease of use of the Bed-it wins or over the black Xfasten, even though you can still see the gray when the light is right.