Best Flexible Solar Panels

May 28, 2015
Catalina 385 Atlantic Highlands, NJ
Looking to see if Renogy 175W Flexible Panels are still popular and recommended. Are there other better alternatives?


Jan 4, 2009
Ketch 55 Bristol, RI
I don't know of any flexible solar panel that can reliably last more than two years. This video by Will is a little dated. But I haven't heard that things have really changed.
Jun 14, 2010
Robertson & Caine 2017 Leopard 40 CT
I have a Renogy 160 still in the box, never used. Would offer it for a good price. As for quality - my own experience was uneven. Some were good and worked well for the 4 years I had them, others failed or showed signs of leakage quickly, like within about 60 days. Mine were installed in a location that was frequently awash with sea water (the amas of a trimaran). That says a lot for the ones that survived. The reason I have the 160 is that it was bought as a spare for my last boat, and I didn’t include it with the sale of the boat.