Bermuda anyone?

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Alan J

I just signed up for the Virginia to Bermuda rally with Steve Black's Cruising Ralley Association leaving Virginia on or about June 18,2000 . I understand there are already severla boats signed up. Any interest out there?

Robert M. Idsinga

Love to

Are you taking on crew? I'd be interested. I have captained a C&C for 15 years and am the new owner of an O'day Tempest 23. I have limited offshore experience, but am used to some pretty horrendous weather on Lake Champlain. Here's my other Qualifications. EMT-W (Emergency Medical Technician - Wilderness) Advance Amateur Ham License (VA2DRU) Marine Radio License (VB6041) EMT (Engineering Management Technologist) Rock Climber Scuba Diver


need a crew? What kind of boat?

I am a scuba diver (advanced open water), BS in mechanical engineering, MS in manufacturing engineering, AS in Machine design technology; Captains license 50 Gross Ton Inland with 50 Gross Ton Master Mate Near Coastal with sail and commercial assist towing endorsements. Amateur sailmaker and boatbuilder. Experienced machinist. I need offshore experience to upgrade my captains license to near coastal and eventually oceans.

Eric Lorgus

To Robert and David

If Bermuda doesn't work out for you, I have a Hunter 54 in Miami, that I'm planning on sailing to Baltimore in late May. Weather permitting, it will be a ride up the Gulf Stream direct to Norfolk, then up the bay to Baltimore. I may be in need of one or two experienced offshore crew. If you are interested, you can reach me at Eric Lorgus s/v Impulse 83H54

Alan J


Fortunately for myself, I have a full crew for the trip from NY to Virginia and roundtrip from Va to Bermuda and back to NY. The web site for the event is and they have a registery for people wanting to crew. Good luck in your quests and if I have any dropouts, I"ll call. I'll be sailing a 1985 Hunter 37 Cutter. Alan Johnson S/V Valhalla

richard Braun

Along for the ride

I am very interested in your trip. Are you looking for crew for any part of this trip. I own a 1983 Catalina 38 and sail from eastern Long Island. I can be reached at or by phone # 631-283-2601 Richard Braun
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