Bent turnbuckle bolt

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Jon Larson

My 2005 Catalina 22 Sport, a new left over, was delivered a couple of weeks ago. The starboard aft lower shroud turnbuckle bolt and the starboard upper shroud turnbuckle bolt were bent. The dealer sent me new bolts and turnbuckles. I could loosen the lower shroud turnbuckle and get slack to disconnect the turnbuckle and replace the bolt and toggle. No problem. I unscrewed the upper shroud as far as I dared before it could spring apart and tension never left the shroud. I went to the opposite upper port shroud and unscrewed that turnbuckle as much as I dared, and neither shroud ever went slack. It sure seems to me the mast has to come down in order to replace the upper bolt and toggle, am I right in thinking that? I must say, the rigging is really tight for this boat, tighter than I remember my previous sail boats being. Jon


Aug 29, 2005
Catalina 22 Ohio
Loosen them

Hi John, Probably not necessary to lower the mast. The rigging should be long enough to become slack when you loosen all of the fittings. Check to see if the lowers aren't twisted at the spreaders. That would make the rigging too tight. If this is the case, you may need to release them and untwist. You may need to loosen all of the shrouds to get the bolts back in the turnbuckles. This would not be a problem on a trailer but if you were in a choppy situation on the water and the mast started wagging you could strain the fittings. You may or may not have to loosen the forestay which could be pulling on the aft lowers and it may help to have a person pushing on the mast to give you some play. BTW, you probably know that there is an art to tightening the stays so that the mast remains in column with a bit of rake to it. THis affects speed and pointing. As you also probably know, these bolts they get jammed and can bend when you are raising the mast. Most people leave the backstay, both uppers and lower rears on when raising the mast. Then secure the forestay first to make the mast safe. Attaching the lower forewards last.


All of them?

Thank you for the input, bilbo. I used to put the mast up on my Cape Dory Typhoon and Cape Dory 22 manually. The lack of length in the shrouds was never an issue (and yes, I did learn about bending the bolts!). Even in my CD 30 I could do repair/reseal work on the upper shrouds as there was enough length to make slack. The lowers aren't crossed, indeed, the one lower I had the slack to replace bolt and toggle. Today is NOT the day to mess with this, major Nor'easter due with winds possible over 50 kts in this area, so will probably just double up on lines and worry about the bent bolts another day...and probably...after I hear from my dealer. Thanks again! Jon


Aug 29, 2005
Catalina 22 Ohio

I understand. We put ours in today and the winds and waves were up a bit on the lake but it turned out to be a nice day. They should fit the proper length unless a mistake has been made somewhere. But as an example, the forestay can be putting tension on the aft lowers and the mid-upper shrouds. All three port shrouds can be putting tension on any of the starboard shrouds and so forth. On mine in calm weather I'd say that I can remove any one shroud/stay and replace the T-bolt with a factory Catalina Direct replacement one.


Jun 1, 2004
Catalina 22 P. P. Y. C.
short shrouds

Jon, I know of three new C22 early sport's that were delivered with short standing rigging, the fix from the dealers was to add toggles to the "T" bolts giving the forward lowers and aft lowers an additional 2" of length. I know this was going to be addressed by the factory. You say you boat was a "new left over" I think if I was you I would ask for the longer shrouds, I bet you would get them. At the very least you'll get the toggles that will give you the additional 2" of length. If your boat came with a backstay you can let it completely off to gain the ease you need on the forward lowers and crank hard on for the ease you need for the aft lowers. Good luck with your new boat! :)


Short Shrouds

Ken, Short Shrouds sure make sense to me!! This was a first for me with any sail boat I've owned. I'll contact the factory. Thank you!! Jon


Apr 11, 2007
- - Lake Wawasee, Syracuse, IN
fore and aft lowers reversed??

On my '84 the aft lower shroud is 2" longer than the fore shroud. Is it possible that your fore and aft lowers are reversed? REgards, Larry Pletcher


fore and aft lowers reversed??

Larry, I don't think so as changing out the bent lower T-bolt and toggle went in exactly as I'd have expected. I don't think there is an issue with the lowers at all as another indicator is that the mast is in a straight column. I did send a note off to Catalina, and no answer as yet. I do appreciate your thoughtful help, thank you. Jon
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