Bent rudder post on my Catalina 27

Jun 27, 2010
catalina 27, 25 Lake Thunderbird, OK
We were backing away from a dock when we hit something hard. Now the tiller turns to starboard, but not to port at all. I am going to beach the boat Saturday to check damage and maybe drop the rudder. Anything I need to be careful about? (Besides loosing the rudder)


Jan 1, 2006
Slickcraft 26 Sailfish
Rudders mostly float - mostly. Almost all production boats have the rudder tube above the water line. If the boat were heeled excessively you might defeat that safeguard. You shouldn't need to heel it at all really. I'm guessing the rudder stock bent. One way the rudder can turn. The other it can't because the body of the rudder hits the hull - or some variation of that. Anyway it needs to come off the boat. A machine shop may be able to straighten it. Or not :(. Of course you need to be able to return to your dock without a rudder. Maybe a dink tow?

Dave Groshong

SBO Staff
Staff member
Jan 25, 2007
Catalina 22 Seattle
If necessary after you inspect it, we offer a new HDPE rudder (High Density plastic) with stainless steel shaft for $1399


Feb 13, 2025
Catalina 27 Gulfport
If necessary after you inspect it, we offer a new HDPE rudder (High Density plastic) with stainless steel shaft for $1399
I was just informed that my rudder post is bent on my Catalina 27 I’m interested in your HDPE rudder. Thanks, Keith
May 1, 2011
Pearson 37 Lusby MD
klukat, welcome to the forum! :beer:
You should really open a new thread instead of resurrecting a thread that's 5.5 yrs old. The OP hasn't been seen since he made the post.
That said, you can look in the forum store to see if they sill carry the HDPE rudder: