Beneteau 473 Electrical Issues

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May 24, 2011
Beneteau 473 Dartmouth, NS, Canada
Hello, I am new to the form and created an account to ask this question.

I am having trouble with some of the electrical systems on a 2006 Beneteau 473. Over the course of 24 hours the bow-thruster, freshwater pump, and electric propane valve have stopped working. I haven't noticed any other issues yet. A few days before I allowed my battery's to charge fully and reset the Ah on my battery charger as it was not reading properly. I'm not sure if all these things are related. If anybody could help it would be greatly appreciated. I am going back to the boat tomorrow to check things like fuses.


Jul 24, 2005
Beneteau 323 Manistee, MI
If the batteries are original, I would surmise that they are at the end of their useful life, and may not be holding a charge.
They should be tested. Also, make sure the connections are clean and tight...
May 24, 2011
Beneteau 473 Dartmouth, NS, Canada
Thanks, I'll check that out. The only thing is the other systems work fine, lights, stereo, electronics, and the charger is showing around 12.9-13 V on the batteries.
Apr 27, 2010
Beneteau 352 Hull #276 Ontario
Since we have not much to go on, I'd agree with DougM. Check the Batteries. The gas valve and freshwater pump come off the main electrical panel just like the lights and stereo etc.
I would assume the bow thruster would be on a seperate circuit.

Turn off the battery charger and hook up a volt meter across the batteries in use and watch to see how fast they discharge. If they're bad, they will go low fairly fast under load.

It may coincidence that they are all starting to fail. Check all fuses and or circuit breakers related to the devices that failed.

Mike B

Apr 15, 2007
Beneteau 43 Baltimore, MD
Also check all battery terminal surfaces for corrosion. Remove them from the posts and switches and clean them while you're at it. You may be seeing good voltage while components are off but once a high amp devices trys to turn on the voltage drop across a dirty terminal can be enough to prevent the device from operating. Had our anchor windlass fail to operate last year. Found corrosion on the underside of the 300 amp fuse that sits on the Pos terminal of the house battery. Cleaned both sides and reinstalled which solved the problem.
Oct 3, 2008
Beneteau 393 Chesapeake Bay
A couple of years ago, I had a similar situation on my 393 (the boats are in the same family), but with one of the two chart plotters, the bilge pump, and something else but I forgot which. Turned out to be the ground connection at the main panel. So, when you check the connections, do not forget the ground (-) in addition to the (+) connections.
May 24, 2011
Beneteau 473 Dartmouth, NS, Canada
Paul Mermelstein said:
Turned out to be the ground connection at the main panel. So, when you check the connections, do not forget the ground (-) in addition to the (+) connections.
Does this mean on the battery? Or is this something on the electrical panel?


Mar 16, 2010
Beneteau 411 Oceanis Annapolis
What Paul said...this kind of willy-nilly electrical problem is classic corroded ground. Likely at the ground for the suspect circuit(s).

Rick I

Jan 6, 2007
CS36Merlin and Beneteau 393 - Toronto
Also check the main ground switch. (Beneteaus have a weird ground switch at the battery switches) Make sure it's on and then trace it to ensure that you've got a good ground.
May 24, 2011
Beneteau 473 Dartmouth, NS, Canada
Problem solved, I knocked one of the plugs with a set of wires in it when I installed a stereo. It turned out the bilge pump was also not working. The bow thruster is still not powering on but I found a blown fuse. I'll change that and see if it works. Thanks again for the help everybody.
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