Beneteau 361

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Paul Ouellette

The Beneteau owners site seems to sadly lack anything about our favorite model (the 361)which we hope to purchase in the near future. Anyone that has one care to tell us what you think of it ? We sure would appreciate any information that present owners could pass along. Thanks in advance to those who kindly respond.

Brian Pickton

Take a look...

Nov.22,2000 Dear Paul, On the 361 take a look at the responses to "Would you recommend a 35s5" post date 11/05 where Charli Guetzner, a 361 owner, and I in seperate responses both recommend the 361 over the 35s5 and also the responses to "Would you buy a 361?" post date 10/29. Obviously a number of people think the 361 is a terrific boat, myself included. One look at it should be enough to convince most people it's meant for cruising. I hope you can get it soon. Where do you plan to sail, Lake Ontario? (Surely not the Detroit River?) Good Luck Brian Pickton @ Aboard The Legend, Rodney Bay, St. Lucia

Charlie Gruetzner

Hi Paul, I guess it is time for me to jump in here! As Brian had said I bought a 361 this past summer and am thrilled with it. I basically lived on it 3 or 4 days a week this year (unfortuantely I still have to work for a living :) ) and had no problems at all. It certainly was roomy enough even for several people and has plenty of storage. I singlehand the boat most of the time and took a two week trip to Montauk this summer and came back offshore. The boat handled beautifully in some rather nasty weather. I have never had any trouble pulling into a slip or docking by myself. I looked at a number of boats before I bought this and as soon as I walked onboard I knew this was the boat for me. The only issue I had was the bottom paint was peeling off by the waterline. Apparently this was a problem with the primer that was put on and the dealer is going to remedy the problem in the spring. I bought this boat with the intentions of doing some cruising in a couple of years and I feel very comgortable in the choice that I made. There is picture of her in the photo gallery if you are interested Best of Luck Charlie Gruetzner S/V Angels' Grace Beneteau 361


We're workin' on it!

Just added the 361 specs in the boats section (photos coming). We at BON apologize for not yet having comprehensive specs and photos on all Beneteau models. We do have information on the current line and will be getting additional information online next week. It is important and we apologize for the delay. If anyone has brochures or factory photos of Beneteau models that are no longer in production that are not represented on this site, please email information or mail the brochures to us. We'll scan the information and return the originals to you. Thanks for your support! Trevor

Paul Ouellette

Take a look...two

Brian, could you please contact me at as I was hoping I could ask a little St Lucian favour of you ! Thanks much ! Regards, Paul. P/S Yes, I know, the Detroit River is not the best of places to go cruising. (Yes, the words "Really Sucks" come to mind.) The wife & I are members of South-Port Sailing Club here in Windsor, & primarily ply the waters of Lake St Clair, Western Lake Erie, & Southern Lake Huron. Our present boat is a Mirage 29, called "Airway", which we are very fond of, however the 361 is certainly enough to make us move!
Jul 1, 1998
Hunter Legend 35 Poulsbo/Semiahmoo WA
Sail Magazine 361 Review

If you haven't already seen it, there is a boat review of the 361 at that might be of interest.

Steven Broad

Primer problems

During the course of researching the Beneteau 361, we've heard complaints about peeling bottom paint, typically blamed on the primer. We've been told by the dealer we're considering that in the past, sanding the gelcoat on the bottom of the boat prior to applying primer voids the warranty. Has anyone else had problems re this?
Jul 1, 1998
Hunter Legend 35 Poulsbo/Semiahmoo WA
Sanding and Warranty

Haven't heard anything about sanding the gelcoat on a 361 in particular causing the warranty to be voided but I've heard statements to this effect for other boats, especially with regard to blister warranties. The best source for a definitive answer with regard to this question would be the factory or boat manufacturer. If one is contemplating bottom work and you want someone to stand behind the work when it's done, it's certainly a good idea to get all your ducks in a row. That is, try to get what is required from boat manufacturer, the barrier coat/bottom paint manufacturer, and the yard. Getting the materials manufacturers rep to make an inspection when the work is in progress is also helpful. Take pictures of the work and make note of whether conditions and keep track of work progress and who is doing what when. Ensuring the yard understands the manufacturers requirements and they will comply with them is key to a good comfort level. Sometimes a yard will "bust the limits" of temperature, humidity, or whatever, even after having an agreement or understanding, because "they've done this before" so be careful. Some yard people will give very convincing arguements. Get manufacturers technical literature for the products to be used. This info is much more detailed than the consumer stuff at the chandlery. Try not to (i.e., dont') mix manufacturers products on the same project. Keep a record of all work and chemical products used as a part of the boat historical records. Later, 5 or 10 years, you might be back to that area of the hull doing more work of some kind and having the history of what happened will be useful.

Brian Pickton

Thanks John

Dec. 4, 2000 Dear John, Thanks for the heads up on the article about the 361. It's always interesting to read what someone in the business of boat reviewing has to say about what interests us, and gratifying when it confirms our own opinion. I've book marked the site for future reference. Brian Pickton@ Aboard The Legend, Rodney Bay, St. Lucia

Brian Pickton

It's a poor craftsman that blames his tools

Dec.4, 2000 Dear Steven, Sorry about not replying to your post sooner but internet service here on the weekends is abysmal. Read the warranty. Sanding the gelcoat will void the warranty, but proper preperation of the hull will not. Once again John Nantz has provided excellent advice. I would add that the problem in reality is seldom the paint or primer but the preperation. On new boats the mold release wax has to be very carefully removed or the hull will not support the primer. Rather the release wax will get painted and eventually the paint will simply fall off. It is after all release wax. To avoid this it is common practice to use a solvent to remove the wax, the most common used being acetone. The problem is that the age of recycling has resulted in recycled acetone being sold which itself frequently contains contaminants. This causes adhesions problems, particularly when the solvent itself has not been washed off first using either soap and water or Simple Green and water followed by a thorough fresh water rinse. None of these steps, including the fresh water rinse, can be skipped in the proper preperation of the hull. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise. If they insist, hire someone else. No sanding is required. Only then in the proper environmental conditions as mentioned by John can the paint be applied. What frequently happens is that one of these steps is not thoroughly followed, and when the paint falls of the primer gets blamed instead of the crapmanship that went into the work in the first place. If your going to have someone else do your work supervise them like a hawk and make sure you know what the job requires before they start. You have to know more than the workers if you want to get it right, and this is where John's excellent advice comes in. Lastly don't let some guys poor work ethic stop you from getting the 361. The problem isn't the boat or the primer. I'd bet folding money on it. Brian Pickton@ Aboard The Legend, Rodney Bay, St. Lucia

Curtis Weeman

B361 Opinion

We have had a limited 3 months of sailing our B361, and so far it exceeds all expections. It is comfortable to spend a week on, and handles 3-6 ft seas well. The construction and finish is good, and we have not had any issues. s/v LunaSea B361


Beneteau 361 - A personal view

I can only encourage you to proceed with your purchase. I looked around for a good 12 months and can truly say that it represents the best value for money around. I am thrilled with mine - she is a dream to handle. She is also very comfortable and has loads of space for those social sails. I haven't raced her yet but she is very quick and I am sure I will be up there with the more specialist racing yachts ( despite the skipper !! :) ). if you want more information feel free to email me - regards Michael
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