Beneteau 311 steering problems

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Rich Smolenski

Has anyone with a 311 swing keel been having problems with their steering. I've lost steering twuce because the chain sprocket on my wheel shaft slides forward and the shaft key falls out, thus the sprocket is no longer fixed to the shaft. The problem seems to be a misaligned wheel shaft with too short of a key-way. I fixed it by putting hose clamps around the wheel shaft to prevent the sprocket from sliding forward. I also need advice on setting the defaults on my ST 4000 authelm.

Brian Pickton

Try this

Nov.17, 2000 Dear I have not encountered this particular problem before so hopefully other readers can help out as well. On previous applications where I have had a problem with loose keys I have either peened the key slightly to fatten it and thus hold it in the slot or used blue (not red) locktite to hold it in place. The blue is a little less permanent than the red. The fact that the key is epoxied in place does not stop it from doing its job of sheering under extreme stress. Also without seeing it I can’t be sure about this, but check your sprocket - is there a missing set screw or collar? My autopilot is an Autohelm 6000 so I don’t know if my default settings would correlate to what you need but here they are: Rudder gain (level)5 Rate gain (level)7 Rudder angle limit (degrees)30 Turn rate limit(degrees/second)20 Cruise speed (knots)8 Off course alarm (degrees)20 Trim level1 Auto Adaptoff If this doesn't help you should know that Autopilot is now owned by Raytheon. The only person I deal with there is Jim Ogles at the electronics product repair center in Manchester New Hampshire. Jim was excellent to deal with but the rest of them I spoke to would be challenged to play “Find Your foot”. Phone: 603-647-7530, Fax: 603-634-4855. I hope this helps. Brian Aboard the Legend, Rodney Bay, St. Lucia
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