Batteries / Charging

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Feb 21, 2005
Beneteau 40.7 Paraty
I have a 2001 First 40.7 with a Volvo MD 2040 engine and, although I love the boat, I see that the batteries/charging system is not enough to use the boat with lights at night, refrigerator, stereo, etc. It requires to turn the engine and iddle for one hour at least once or twice a day. I do not know if this is because the bank just have 200 amp + 56 amp for starter or if it is because the voltage regulator from volvo does not allow the tension go higher that 13.9. What are your opinions, ideas, etc? Thank you German



Running the engine to charge the battery bank twice per day is standard for your configuration. Batteries run best and last longest when kept between 50% and 80% of capacity. You will find charging from 80% to 100% takes a very long time - the recharge rate is not linear. The only choices are to increase the battery and alternator capacity and/or reduce the load on the system or get a generator.


Further Batteries/Charging

I forgot to add that, depending on your location, you can consider adding solar panels or a wind generator. They can be configured to charge the batteries unattended. Some of the wind generators in the market today have gotten very quiet.
Jan 18, 2004
Beneteau 321 Houston
Sounds about right!

Germain, As Steve sez, it sounds about right to me. Charge voltage is correct for wet cell batteries. First, consider reducing your power consumption. Turn on only what you need. As long as you keep frig door closed, consider turning it off part of the time. Add another battery. Most alternators don't put out much juice at idle. You might want to consider a high output alternator with external multi-stage regulator. We have Balmar 100amp on our B321. Recharge takes a third the time of our old OEM 35amp alternator. Optimize what you have before spending money on exotic solutions. Jon
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