Good thoughts, and I'd read about +/- bonding through-hulls, etc. The corrosion there is not only the "scuzzy green stuff like frog skin", but there is some crystalline corrosion also. One thru-hull (3/4") is for the coolant exchange, and is pumped; the other (1/2") is just passive cooling for the shaft. Boatworks guys looked at them today and thought that they were not in immediate danger, "just clean them up". Now, there is no source of electrical connection between those thru-hulls, and no source of connection to anything else down there, that is, they are completely isolated from each other and from any other metal parts. No moisture, etc. So I'm nervous about not tying them to an anode; are any of you guys saying that I should just leave them alone? And at what point would you say "enough is enough", and haul the boat out and replace them?
Thanks again.