B 331 owners page?

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Sailors, I've noted several posts from 331 owners the last couple of week. Does anyone know of a B331 owers page? Anyone interested in starting one? I have a few pictures @http://home.att.net/~stillwellm/Dragonfly/dragonfly.htm


B331 Page

I'd be interested in establishing an electronic connection with other B331 owners. This is the end of my first year with "Forever Young" and I could use some advise on the winterization process and pitfalls. Does anyone have a checklist to share? Should I have the recommended 50 hour service (currently at 49 hours) done on the Yanmar now or wait to spring? Only a couple more fall weekends on the beautiful Hudson River before she goes on the hard. Then there will be plenty of time to get her ready for spring.

Dave Humphreys

B 331 interest

Folks: I wouldbe happy to participate in a page specific to the 331. It has proven to be one of the most popular Beneteau models ever and there are many issues particular to the 331.
Jun 8, 2004
- - Larchmont
Count me in

We took delivery of Cayuga (B331 hull number 336) this spring. Would be interested in a B331 page. We are very happy with Cayuga. Took a two week cruise to Block Island and Nrragansett Bay this summer and many weekend excusions on the Long Island Sound.


Steve, my owners manual has a checklist...

that we follow. Be sure to winterize the refrig/shower sump and the transom shower. Yes, I sugest you have the engine serviced this fall. That way, the engine sets in clean oil all winter.


B331 Web page

Sailors, Let me give a web page a try. Send me a couple of pictures, a short bio of you and your boat, related links, hints on sailing and maintance, vision/dream for the furture and I'll draft a web page. Mark stillwellm@att.net
Jan 18, 2004
Beneteau 321 Houston
Room for a B321?

Great to see a page devoted to the little guys. Considering the similarities, would you consider expanding to include other models in this size catagory such as B311s and B321s? Problems, systems, and engines are similar. Jon McClain s/v Parrot Tales, B321 #77 Kemah (Houston) TX


331 Winterization

Thanks for the feedback Mark. I have been planning on at least changing the oil in the "iron genny" before the winter. What type of antifreeze do you use to flush the different systems? My owners manual does have a checklist but we all know a sailors practical experience should always be heeded! I'll put together a bio and other info for the website. On behalf of the other B331 (B311, B323) owners I thank you for offering to get this started. The winter will go much faster with a website to keep us occupied. Thanks again, Steve


I get my anti-freeze at WalMart.

I use the pink RV/Marine. I keep an eye on the adds and often catch it for about $2 a gal. The only real challenge I've had is winterizing the water heater. My dealer suggested I unscrew the in and out lines and connect them with a 1/2 inch pipe so I didn't have to fill and flush the heater. He suggested I then just drain the water heater into the bilge. The only problem was that the heater didn't drain diectly into the bilge...it soaked the cabinets first. This year I plan to screw a line to the drain, remove the top line then pump the heater tank. Mark


311, 321, 331, 323 Web site...

do I have a deal for you!!;D I checked with the admiral. We'll give it a go! You can email us at stillwellm@att.net or beneteau331owners@att.net As far as the other models...the more the merrier!! If it gets too big to manage, then we'll look for other options. Suzanne and I have quite a bit of experience in creating web pages. You can see some of Suz's work at: http://hallsville.schools.missouri.org/ Designing and publishing is the easy part. Content is the tough part. So let's get started with the content. Let me throw out a few suggestions. Chew on them and spit them back in a new improved form! Bio - might include some or all of the following: owner Name,Boat Name and haul #,Hailing port,Email,Personal web page. Pictures - jpg work best for me. Try to keep them 1024X768 or 800X600 and less then 200kb. Please include a caption or story with each picture. I'm sure we'll all want pictures of our boats. I encourage you to also add pictures of family. Stories - I like all kinds of stories: family, sailing vacations, adventures, day sails, fiction, dreams of going crusing. To get started a story on how you got started sailing, why you continue to sail. Pictures add to the story. Tips - we've all had challenges. We all continue to learn. Tips on everything from winterizing to getting bird droppings off the deck would be good. New additions - We've added fans in the cabins and a Ram MIC at the helm. Problems - the roller furling main is a common problem. How have you solved yours? Links - what are good resources you have found? Now be aware, once we get started, I may ask you for help - a story, a tip, a suggestion on how to improve the site. Well, the first mark has been identified. Let's pull out those charts and begin plotting the course. With a little luck, we cast of the dock lines and set sails soon. I wonder what's over the horizon? Mark
Jan 18, 2004
Beneteau 321 Houston
3 Series Beneteau Owners Page!

What a great idea! As the skipper of a B321 with only a few years of sailing experience, I have an insatiable appetite for all sailing stuff, especially if it has to do with our "Parrot Tales". My concern is that we will further dilute the participation of this fine site, so graciously provided by SailboatOwners.net, and other sites. Participation in this site is already very low. May I suggest that we explore how we might work with Charlie to help make this site more attractive to Beneteau Owners? I realize that storage and administration costs are a concern, and perhaps a partnership with this fine site might be a more sensible approach. We could augment this discussion site with a link to a site of our own that could cover in greater depth things that are of interest to us in a more "search friendly" reference type format, not simply produce another discussion thread. For whatever reason, information on maintenance and upgrades to "little Bs" seems to be nonexistent. The discussion format, while great in many respects, is not the best way to organize and archive reference material. We might be able to provide the much needed space to cover in detail things that are of interest only to us. Examples might be: 1. A step by step photo story on installing a manual or electric windlass on a B321 (A current project of mine) 2. Installing a battery combiner 3. Reworking the factory wiring for better energy management. 4. Installing additional electronics, etc. 5. Winterizing a B331. Just some thoughts. Please consider it as constructive exploration. The last thing that I want to do is discourage communication among "little B owners".


Owners page draft...

We had a few minutes this weekend, so we worked on a draft. See first attempt @ http://beneteau331owners.home.att.net As I check the site this morning, I see the opening page link doesn't work. Click on "Home" to get the right page. I fix this evening. Let me know how we can improve the site. If some will send me some data, I'll work on proto-types of other data pages.

Charlie Gruetzner - BeneteauOwners.net

I'm here to help

Anything I can do to help you to really get this site up and moving. Participation is the key. We all have something to offer albeit ideas, suggestions, things we have done to our boats and things we would like to do. I can help with some of the technical stuff and things I see when I am out doing surveys We have an incredible resource for all of us Thanks Charlie


Thanks Charlie...

As I said, making the page is the easy part. Content is the challenge. Charlie, if you have a few articles you would like posted, send them my way. I'm working on a couple on upgrades: cabin fans, Ram Mic, DC outlet in cabin and at the helm, 3" mattress pad. I'm ready for owners information. Send me your thought and ideas to: stillwellm@att.net or beneteau331owners@att.net Mark


I've added a few tips.

Please reveiw and send suggestions. http://home.att.net/~beneteau331owners
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