Article in current Good Old Boat magazine

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Jun 3, 2004
Hunter 33.5 Middle River, MD
features our own Warren Millberg and his boats. It is a very nice article. There is also a secondary article by famed yacht designer Ted Brewer that reviews Warren's past boats and openly wonders if Warren will agree with his assessments. Well, Warren, do you agree with him? Warren, I want to remind you that you promised me an autographed copy of the mag when it came out. I'm bringing my copy to Herring Bay when I dock at HHS in July. I expect you to autograph it for me. Tom s/v Orion's Child


Sep 21, 2005
other 12 wet water
I saw it

I didn't read it yet, but I did look at the pictures Keep it up, Ctskip

Warren Milberg

GOB Article....

Thanks for the very nice comments. I look forward to seeing you, Tom, at HHS, in July. Karen Larson, and Jerry Powlas, were fun people to have around, and to sail with, last year when they did the article. I think they'll be at the Annapolis Boat Show this year and I hope all of you will stop by to say hello to them as their magazine, "Good Old Boat," really is "....for the rest of us." I was surprised and delighted to read Ted Brewer's comments and analysis of some, but not all, of the boats I've owned and sailed over the years. While I agree with most of what he writes, I think he somewhat underrates the Hunter 28.5 and C&C 24, both of which were, and are, great boats for the Chesapeake Bay. Neither are, or pretend to be, blue water boats. I'm now in the process of writing a more detailed response to Ted which ends on the note that one of the boats I owed, but was not reviewed, was actually the best sailor of them all (Alberg Sea Sprite), but that all my boats have returned a great deal of satisfaction, and that's what it's all about....
Dec 9, 2005
Kirie Elite 37 Pascagoula, Mississippi
Warren.....what a great designer was.......

Carl Alberg, the genius behind the Sea Sprite, Cape Dory, and the Kittiwake. In 1990, I purchased a 1969 Kittiwake 23, rebuilt her to pristine condition, and sailed her for several years. As one can imagine, the waters of the Mississippi Sound offer different wind and sea challenges, all of which the Kittiwake handled effortlessly. In addition to cruising this area, I raced her in numerous regattas, always placing in the 'money'. With her dark blue hull and beige topsides, accented with bright teakwork, she was a gem of boat. Although her full keel design wasn't the best for upwind work, she proved to be a hearty challenger to fin keel boats, often beating them on corrected time. And to make things even more exciting, in our small harbor was another Kittiwake, a 1972 model. Many times our two Kittiwakes looked like miniature America Cup boats duelling on the race course. Giving to the urge to move to a larger boat, I sold the Kittiwake in February 1996. When I sold her the owner of the other Kittiwake lost interest in his and to this day, she sadly sits alone on a mooring, her bottom thickly covered in barnacles and topsides decorated with seagull droppings. As for my old Kittiwake, Hurricane Katrina beat her up pretty badly, leaving her laying on a roadway near the marina where the third or fourth owner removed had left her to fend for herself. But alas, the guy I sold her to bought her outright for $100, had her moved to his house, and is now working to restore her to pristine condition like I had done so many years before. Recently, as you may know, Good Old Boat had an article about the rebuiding of a Kittiwake (not mine)....I've read it numerous times, remembering the 'good old days' I spent rebuilding and sailing my beloved boat. Dick Dixon s/v CD EXPRESS Pascagoula, Mississippi
Jan 15, 2007
Tartan 34C Beacon, NY
Carl Alberg and the Sea Sprite

Yes, the 22 foot Sea Sprite. I traveled a lot of miles in one as a teenager and my first solo trans-Atlantic was done on my second Sea Sprite in 1974. Of all the small boats I have sailed that was one of the best if not the best. All the best, Robert Gainer

Warren Milberg

For Bob Grainer ... and Ted Brewer

Incredible! In the response I just sent to GOB for Ted Brewer, who asked for my views on his comments on 4 of my boats, I noted that my Alberg Sea Sprite was probably the best sailor of all them. I also noted that the Sea Sprite literature claims an Atlantic crossing in one of those gallant little yachts. And now we know just who may have been at the helm: Bob Gainer. The world is certainly a very small place. I have to admit to loving just about every boat Carl Alberg designed -- and he was a busy guy. But most of the smaller ones with the traditional low aspect ratio boom cannot fit a bimini under them. I'm afraid I would not venture out into the summer sun here with a boat that carried a bimini.... Bob: I'll send you an e-mail with my comments about Ted Brewer's analysis, and my views about the Sea Sprite. You, too, may want to weigh in with your views, particularly the Atlantic crossing.
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