Are you flagging?

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Mexican Police?

I'll bet they were delighted to let you pay that fine in cash, right? Attached link to Rousmaniere on flag etiquette - Ensign vs. 50 star flag at skipper's discretion, except outside U.S. waters and on documented vessels in all waters. Works for me...

Derek Henshaw

A matter of Honor

I have an appropriately sized 50 star off a stern standard that is unfurled at dawn and furled and covered at dusk. The honor of flying the stars and stripes was significant to me before I wore it on my right sleeve in a combat zone. Now it is essential to display the proper respect those who gave everything for what it represents. From the right spreader, a Maple Leaf to honor our neighbors across the lake, below that the Trailer/Sailors Association pennant, and a family Monogram pennant deckward. From the aft stay, a personal pennant my wife and I designed to commemorate our honeymoon cruise, the logo also displayed on our t-shirts and jackets.


Jun 4, 2004
- - H25 Mk1 Burlington NJ
Flags in competition

I won't fly flags during a race, but have yet to see if there's any tangible savings in windage and boat speed. After the race is another matter. :) JC 2

Rick D

Jun 14, 2008
Hunter Legend 40.5 Shoreline Marina Long Beach CA
So, What's The Deal Racing W/O Flags?

I don't fly flags when racing but am not familiar with the rationale. Anyone care to enlighten me? Rick D.

Les Blackwell

There use to be a racing rule

Rick,, There use to be a rule in racing organizations that when racing, you did NOT fly the National ensign. I know it was in early USRU booklet. This rule orginated on Long Island sound before WWII when there were many sailboats out on the weekend--some racing and some were not racing. It was hard to tell if the boat ahead of you was racing or not so this rule was put in. The rule was in the northwest racing booklet--my boat was thrown out of a race because I flew the American Flag. The chair of the race committee threw me out even though no other boat protested. I quit racing for a while after that incident. I don't know if that rule is in the national rule book now but I know that certain large races which has multiple starts may require a pennent off the stern to indicate which division you are in. The no flag rule had nothing to do with windage.

Dan Nease

flag etiquette

For information about flag etiquette check into this great reference work. "Piloting, seamanship and small boat handling" by Charles F.Chapman.


Etiquitte may be wrong, BUT...

I fly an 18" x 24" American flag above the same sized Irish tri-color from the backstay of my C22, which was named the 'Celtic Clipper' by it's previous owner.
Jun 17, 2005
- - Kemah, Texas
Flying the stars & stripes...

I keep 2 flags on board, Texas and USA Flags. Those Stars & Stripes look great flying anywhere, boats, front yards, post office, and even used car lots. If on the hook, or at the dock...the flag stays on the back stay during daylight...occasinally the Texas flag is flown on the back stay also, but always below the USA Flag.
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