Are Marina fuel prices following the decline?

Feb 17, 2006
Lancer 27PS MCB Camp Pendleton KF6BL
At my Marina, gas is $4.39 and diesel is $4.19. Not much shift in that regard. I think it was up in the $5.00 not too long ago. But with premium gas prices in the $2.20 region, I don't understand why it's in the $4.40 region at the marina. Hmmm... :snooty:
Mar 21, 2004
Hunter 356 Cobb Island, MD
Brian D - One of the problems at our marina

Is the last time they purchased 2000 gals of diesel it was up at the $4.50 range and were selling it for $4.65. He won't get any more this year and is going to sell at a loss when the pumps open again in the spring. That is probably what is happening. They had to buy high and can't sell at at loss.

Road diesel around here is going for $2.80/gal and that is where I'm getting mine.

Bummer for the marina's


Aug 29, 2005
Catalina 22 Ohio
Re: Brian D - One of the problems at our marina

In my area, I'd bet that marina fuel prices are probably at a relatively low price as I'd think that it follows the average water temperature .........So, low prices are to be expected and will last....until spring launch.
Nov 26, 2008
Catalina 42 MK II Tacoma
I just keep a 5 gallon jerry can in the truck and every time I hit the gas station, I fill it up with diesel and bring it down to the boat. Way cheaper, higher cetane and less chance of water contamination. This has been working fine for keeping the tank topped off, since I usually only use the engine to get in and out of the marina.
Jun 8, 2004
Macgregor 21 Clinton, NJ
While I'm not at a marina and still a trailorsailor I actually have quite a bit of experience from the 'other side of the pump'. Still not at a marina but I literally ran my dad's gas station while still a pre-teen due to an unexpected heart attack on his part. In those days(admittedly decades ago) you called for the delivery and calculated what the company charged you and then adjusted your customer's prices accordingly. What the marinas seem to be doing may be 'legit' since they purchased their supply at higher prices than are current. However, what many gas stations around the country were doing recently is not. These merchants were changing their prices upwards nearly every day(I spotted one place change prices 3 times in the same day). NO gas station could use up that much gas in the same day and have that many deliverys. I personally was shocked to see prices spiralling down in recent weeks after watching the gouging that was going on and comparing it to adjustable mortgage rates rates in the '90s. Just had to get off my chest...:stirthepot:

Bob V

Mar 13, 2008
Catalina 42mkII Lagoon Point
It's coming down

I just topped up my diesel tank today at Bellingham Marina and was pleased to see that it was $2.58/ gallon. I was also a long way from being a self-service experience.

A lovely young attendant came out and caught my dock lines, rolled out the hoses, brought me a "zorb" pad to catch the drips and stood by the gauge calling out the numbers as I closed on my goal of 22 gals. She then rolled up all the hoses and took the dirty zorb to dispose of and untied my boat for me and walked along the dock as I backed out to make certain I didn't scuff my hull on the way out.

All of this with pleasant conversation and effusive gratitude when I rounded it up and gave her a $1.65 tip. You can keep your jerry cans I like that full service approach with a smile.
Feb 17, 2006
Lancer 27PS MCB Camp Pendleton KF6BL
Diesel and gas are now the same price in Oceanside; $3.29/gal. No cute dock attendant. I'll still get my gas at the station up the street @ $1.69/gal.


Jun 3, 2006
Catalina 36mkII Alameda CA
If the marinas haven't lowered prices because they sell fuel more slowly and are charging based on what they paid for their present fuel, then explain this: When prices were escalating rapidly, marina prices were going up too. But according to the logic expressed by some, their fuel prices should have stayed the same until they bought again.

Just one more reason to invest jerry jugs!