Any Artists out there?


Sep 21, 2005
other 12 wet water
Dang cod, thats looks real. If you hadn't said you painted it, I'd swear it was a picture. Nice, real nice.
I did glass for years and had quite a portfoilio. Photo albums is all I have left, along with lots of good memories. I sold the business and retired. My current wife wants me to get back into it. But I got burned out and really don't wish to repeat myself. I started with stained glass, then onto bending glass for antique lamps and graduated to painting for church windows. I loved doing the restoration aspect, mainly because it was mostly all profit and great gratification. Then came blowing glass and making glass for fun.
Women would come into my studio and gawk from the front sales room, craining their necks to see what I was working on through the doorway. I would invite them to come into the back room by telling them to come on back, I don't bite, I'll just lick you to death. It was good for a laugh.

Have you done any shows? I cut my teeth doing craft shows in the 70's even ran a few. Pressure, lots of pressure. You want everybody to make money. I stopped running them quickly. Ticker couldn't take it.

Keep it up,
Jan 22, 2008
Oday Mariner Quadra Island BC
Thanks Ctskip! Sounds like your glass work was quite a venture, post some pics from your albums for us,don't be shy! I have some friends that blow and slump glass.Yes I've done some shows and won a few awards. So has my wife,we have a studio here and hold instructive workshops in it. We bring in Artist/Teachers to teach courses as well. We put together packages that include accomodations in our B&B for those who like our facilities. Check us out at
Jan 22, 2008
Oday Mariner Quadra Island BC
I like to incorporate Art into my everyday life,so I have started this Mosaic sidewalk that leads to the entry of our B&B.

This section is the first part. I didn't want the yard all tore up during our summer tourist season so I stopped at this point. Once the freezing weather is over I'll do the next section. It is all made of concrete rubble,local rock,salvaged bricks and tiles.
Jan 22, 2008
Oday Mariner Quadra Island BC



Blind Channel Resort has lots of very nice art work produced by the mother (now deceased) of the current owner (her son). Stop by there if you get the chance. The restaurant has lots of her handy work as well as the docks. Well worth the lay over. German food is great, too.

Terry Cox



P.S. Check out their web site for a sample of her art work. The resort is on West Thurlow Island.

Terry Cox


Sep 21, 2005
other 12 wet water
Creativity has always amazed me. For some, it's a natural occurring phenomena, while for others, no matter how hard they try they just can't grasp it. For some, they see art in everything while others can't see the art in a light bulb. Oh well. Stay creative and enjoy everything. It'll keep you young.

Keep it up,
Jan 22, 2008
Oday Mariner Quadra Island BC
I've been to Blind Channel many times Terry,you are right it is worth the stop! Nothing like good hardy German cooking after a long sail on a cool misty day.
Dec 4, 2006
Hunter 34 Havre de Grace
Well, I don't consider myself an artist.
But I do dabble with pencil and charcoal.

Here's a few. Boat related of course.

The boats are at the Susquehanna Yacht Club.
The scene with the kedge is something I dreamed up.

Maybe not so great, but I have fun.



Feb 21, 2008
Hunter 29.5 Punta Gorda
I envy those of you who can draw and paint. My art is in producing/directing/editing video. Once in a while a client gives me a blank canvas and I can let my creativity loose. But mostly my "art" is confined to pleasing a client who has no idea what he wants but will know it when he sees it. Sigh
Jan 22, 2008
Oday Mariner Quadra Island BC
Hey Bob......those are great!
Sailm8.....your form of Art is just as much of a challenge and the finished piece feels just as satisfying when it all works right.
Jan 25, 2010
Coranado 35 center cockpit longbeach
my buddies and I have recently gotten into what we call nature art. We started out when learning to lash intricate patterns on our tillers and wheels because we were bored of just drinking rum and telling the same jokes, so it was fun to do while drinking. We soon began lashing the outside of our bottles so they wouldnt break if we dropped them, and would refill them with a funnel. I had the bright idea to tie a handle to the dock one night to chill some wine and dang just forgot it,in late summer remembered the wine when the rum was running low and behold it was crusted with worms and barnacles. I bleached the bottle and lashed the handle so I could hold it and simultaneously protect my bottle from being grabbed by anyone else! Behold it looked really cool, so we proceded to use some leftover bottom paint to do a negative outline of various things on some scrap pieces of durock concrete board and hung them off the docks, when we pulled them up we had wormand barnacle whales,birds and other things growing where the paint wasnt! some bleach and a good sun drying on the parking lot and we have art! next mission is to cover some nasty looking areas on our sea wall with a mural of dolphins jumping in the tidal range of the concrte wall and let the paint fade away leaving something cool for us to look at instead of a blank slate of barnacles..