Alcohol or Microwave?

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Alan Liebnick

We currently have a 2 burner alcohol stovetop with an oven gimballed. We hardly use it. I'm thinking of removing it and replacing it with a microwave instead of having it sit on the table. What is the feeling out there. I figured it would free up space. Or maybe just have a 2 burner stove above the microwave. Currently our oven is an extension of our galley storage area.



Alan, I had the same useless setup with a kerosene stove and oven. What a joke that was. My solution was to tear out the whole unit and junk it. I then designed a module to house an Origno 2 burner alcohol stove, enclosed microwave beneath that, and a storage compartment with a swing open lid to house all the frypans etc. I probably use the microwave more than the stove as I always have power unless anchored. What I really need to know is how to cook a pizza in the barbeque. I have tried every thing. Hope this helps. Sean S/V Carnaby Street.

Daniel Jonas


This is a timely discussion for us. We take delivery in a few days on a Hunter 290 with a stove and microwave (no oven). We are seriously contemplating replacing the stove with a stove / oven combination and storing the microwave in a locker for use dockside. We intend to anchor out a bit and think we need the oven. Any feedback is appreciated.



I have not yet learned to bake morning cinnamon rolls in the Micro-wave. Propane stoves are the way to go. Too bad mine is still alcohol! There is nothing like baking aboard!

Gary A

Is it an Origo?

If so, I may be interested in buying it. I have a two burner flush-mount Origo in my garage that I no longer need. Might be a fit for your needs. Let me know. Gary

david lewis


in 6 years I have never used my oven either. I have a propane Tasco two burner stove and oven combo. my experience is I use the stove for cooking water, eggs, stir fry, boil seafood, etc. Then I use a Magma grill on the stern rail if I am baking anything. I just wrap food in aluminum foil and when done throw out the foil, clean and neat. i've never even lit the oven to see if it works, my cooking habits just don't require it, not that I have any aversion to it. I have thought of replacing the whole deal with a two burner origo which I loved on my old boat and use the oven space for a cabinet or small refridge. I'll most probably not do either. regards, dave

Ken Pfaff

Getting stove and ovon

I will also be taking delivery of a new 290 shortly and had the same question regarding getting a oven or microwave. My wife wanted the microwave, I wanted the stove. I think we will go the way of Ron and just but a small microwave, but instead of storing it, I may mount it somewhere so it is available for easy use. I felt that on a 290 the microwave would not be very large so it would be suitable for heating up small items not not large enough to cook for a family of four. Besides, by wife says she will NOT be cooking onbooard, so if I am going to be the chef, the I opt for the stove.

Daniel Jonas


Ken, It will be interesting to see how small the microwave is. We expect that heating sandwiches might work, but are not expecting much more room than that. We anchored out this past week and cooked a very nice roast in the oven. Took 15 minutes to prepare (1.5 hours to cook) and was delicious. We know we can't do that with the microwave. The other issue is my significant other enjoys, even seeks opportunities to cook. Also, baking throws a little residual heat into the cabin and although our winters are mild, that never hurts. I believe that the microwave comes mounted under the stove top. It would have to move if an oven is installed.

David Foster

Microwave needs shore power!

Our sailing is mostly from one marina to another - not much time on the hook. So a microwave and stove works for us. I can't imagine generating the power to use the microwave for extended time on the hook, so I'd go for an oven if that was what I expected.

Dick McKee

Alan....It Kinda Depends....

Like other posts we have a combination of Microwave, stove oven combo and BBQ. In our case the order of usage is BBQ when ever possible, Microwave, Stove and the Oven never. We found the stove best for heating water for tea ect and soup. The microwave is good for a very quick meal (just like home) but we love the BBQ and cook all we can on it... Dick McKee S/V Constellation

Alan Liebnick

Thank you everyone

I think everyone has confirmed my initial thoughts. I'm going to remove the stove oven combo and replace it with a 2 burner alcohol stove and install the microwave below. This will free up space as well. OR! eliminate everything and put in a wet bar HA/HA!!

Tim Schaaf


I have had great satisfaction with an Origo alcohol stove top (model 3000), with a small microwave strapped beneath, the whole thing gimballed. The microwave can work off the inverter, with a large battery bank. Combined with a propane grill outside, it is a very versatile set-up
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