Air Conditioning/Heating

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Ron Simon

I'm considering the installation of an air-conditioning/heating system on my First 38. Would be interested in receiving any tips or suggestions regarding this. Right now I'm leaning toward the 12,000 btu "Mermaid" unit with electric heating. I plan to place the unit beneath the chart table with supply registers in the main cabin and V berth. Thank you.

Brian Pickton of

Heating and air conditioning

Jan.23,2001 Dear Ron, There was recently a lengthy discusion on this topic, so you might like to take a look in the archives for that. We had a combination heater-air conditioner on The Legend. Condensation from the air conditioning rotted the floor board under the unit and it was such a power pig that we could only use it at dock side. We removed it and installed a Force 10 diesel heater in the saloon that we could use at anchor, supplemented with ceramic heaters for cold nights at dock. Air conditioning was replaced by fans which have been satisfactory for us. Fair winds, Brian Pickton of Aboard the Legend, Rodney Bay, St. Lucia
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