Well, as you may guess I'm really new to all this and I do not have a boat yet, but reading postings here I do not understand something. If the long chain is needed to provide a horizontal pull on the anchor (with its weight) why it cannot be accomplished with "second anchor" that would be nothing more, but let say big chunk of steel or something else heavy enough. I'll try to make myself clear. Let say you have an anchor and 20' or whatever of chain attached and from there you have a rope. Now, after you drop your anchor make sure you have enough rope out and drop that chunk of steel that can slide down on the rope until it will hit the bottom. Pull the rope until chain will hit this weight ("second anchor"). I guess this additional weight will keep the pull on the anchor horizontal (well, till some point, depending on the pull of the boat). I understand that you will have to have the weight of this chunk of steel the same as you'd have in the long chain, but I guess it wont take as much room. Am I missing something? Probably so, because it's too easy and I'm sure somebody would find it out by now. But what is wrong with this picture anyway?Severin.