I have been checking craigslist daily for over four months. Looked at a bunch that were nice from far but far from nice. I finally found what I had been searching for, A hand laid glass in mold, positive boyancy dinghy. I got her and all the accessories for $300. We will use it as a tow behind and to teach my four year old to sail.
I took the sailing dinghy out for about twenty minutes to make sure she was stable and then came back to the dock at our club to load Ivy and Mico for 3 hours of sailing. The dinghy does not sail into the wind very good. Too many times the boat stalled in a tack so I had to jib her all the way around to maneuverer.
Heading out to check her out.
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Ivy should have got the whole boat in the picture 'cause I remember there being a rooster tail coming off the back, a rooster tail!
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Sailing her back to the dock to pick them up.
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I did not have any oars with me, so there was no back up plan if things did not go as planned. This means I had to paddle the last hundred yards back to the dock with the rudder at the end of the trip when the wind gave out.
Note to self, remember the oars! Ps to self, remember the damn vest life jacket too!
I took the sailing dinghy out for about twenty minutes to make sure she was stable and then came back to the dock at our club to load Ivy and Mico for 3 hours of sailing. The dinghy does not sail into the wind very good. Too many times the boat stalled in a tack so I had to jib her all the way around to maneuverer.
Heading out to check her out.
Ivy should have got the whole boat in the picture 'cause I remember there being a rooster tail coming off the back, a rooster tail!
Sailing her back to the dock to pick them up.
I did not have any oars with me, so there was no back up plan if things did not go as planned. This means I had to paddle the last hundred yards back to the dock with the rudder at the end of the trip when the wind gave out.
Note to self, remember the oars! Ps to self, remember the damn vest life jacket too!