Ac Backwash

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Jun 2, 2004
Beneteau 400 Miami
Does anyone have thoughts on installing a fresh water backwash into the air-conditioning compressor/s? What I am thinking of doing is installing a three way valve/s as close to the Ac outflow/s through hull/s as possible. Use the fresh water system to feed that valve and pump fresh water into the ac unit/s backwash style through the raw water pump then into the strainer and out the raw water intake through hull. Have two Ac units one forward one aft. Boat in Miami, FL warm water, lots of growth, sits at dock with ac on/off 24/7 to keep the boat cool and dry... lots of cleaning of raw water strainer. I would hope that this would dislodge any growth in the system and having the freshwater sitting there for 10 minutes or kill any sea creatures attempting to attach themselves to the pipes and tubing. Would back wash be more effective than just piping in fresh water close to the intake, fresh water then following the same path as the raw water? One better then the other. Any thoughts? Thank you, Jeffrey s/v Mystiko

Charlie Gruetzner -

Interesting thought

I have never seen anything like that and can't think of any reason it would not work. I would run it by the the techies at the AC manufacturer though just to make sure let us know how it works out for you

O salt

Apr 13, 2004
- - Seattle
You need a better toxin.

Fresh water for 10 minutes is not enough time to kill the marine life that is going to grow in your system. I don't recommend these solutions, but here are some ideas that I have heard; Dropping a penny in the strainer basket, putting pool treatment tablet in the basket. My first recommendation would be to put a larger strainer in the system and run the seawater pump 24/7, this draws more power, but the velocity of the moving water helps keep the growth in the pipes down. Semi annually, have your seawater system acid cleaned with a 10% solution of muratic acid. Watch the market for new products that will inject a environmentally save solution into the seawater loop.
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