"A" Frame Mast Raiser!!

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In the Aug and Nov issues of Sail Magazine I noticed an "A" frame mast raising system that I am planning on using for my Capri 22. I haven't started production yet, but plan on implementing some form of mast raising system for my boat. Has anyone made one for their Capri 22 or does anyone have any suggestions or ideas? Trailer sailor in Idaho.


Made one for a Cat 22 once.

Used regular conduit (1" I think) that you can buy at the local building store. The conduit is relatively light and fairly malliable. I bought two 10" peices of the conduit....cut them to the appropriate length....flattened down the ends and dirlled holes in them. I bolted the bottom of the "A" to the forward shroud deck plates. Used a couple of eye bolts at the top of the "A". Worked just fine. It helps if you have a bench grinder to round the ends of the flattened conduit. If I remember correctly, the Capri is rigged a little differently than the Cat and only has one lower shroud. Idea would be the same......disconnect the lower and attach "A" frame while leaving the upper connected. Good Luck, Brad


My Mast Raiser

I built a mast raiser last year for my Capri 18. You can see the pics and description of it at the C-18 Nat'l Assn website: www.catalina18.net It's in the Tech Articles.
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