A bilge full of water

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Captain Spike


Is the boat sitting at the same pitch in the cradle as it does in the water? Is the companion way facing the weather when on the cradle? Is a cockpit drain hose thru hull freezing shut then backfilling thru a bilge pump or something else connected to the same thru hull? When I stripped out the hoses on my Frigate I couldn't believe it hadn't sunk. Cockpit drains were tee'ed into with other brains from pumps and all hoses were rotten. I'd build a framework of 1 X 3 and cover with a tarp for the winter for added protection.

Bob Giuliano

Thanks, Capt. Spike

Thanks Capt Spike. Do you think the water is backing up through the cockpit drains into the bilge pump? (Hand type pump). I covered it pretty well last year, but not the cockpit. I will try that this year. Any other thoughts? Bob
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