78 Hunter 30

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steve rainey

Does anyone have a diesel Yanmar YSM12 in your boat in the Jacksonville FL area. If so any chance I could meet up with you. I'd like to make a few comparisons. I'm not sure if I have a low rpm problem or not. Would save me a lot of work. when I bought the boat I could rev up the engine to where it felt like it wanted to jump out of the boat. After setting for 4-5 months it hasn't been the same. Had a mechanic look at it and fiddle with the governer, injectors.... starts up with no problem. I'm wondering if my fuel line has something in it??? or maybe the governer wasn't working at first? don't know?? Tks Steve
Jun 3, 2004
Hunter 30_74-83 Amelia Island, FL
YSM12 in Jax area

Steve, I have one of the old beasts in 79 Hunter 30. Be happy to discuss with you. email me at wgbeard@yahoo.com. Butch

steve Rainey


Hi Butch I Emailed you, tks for the response. If you could call my cell 904 912-1453 and let me know when and where to be I'd appreciate it. Tks Again.. Steve
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