460 leak

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We are in the final stages of commissioning a new 460. There is a leak that is showing in the forward stateroom, starboard side, at the forward edge of the drawer unit. It is dripping down from the liner pan, not running along the edge of the headliner. Does anyone have any suggestions? This lines up with the aft edge of the forward hatch, or one of the handrails. Could this be coming from the wire chase at the base of the mast? Appreciate any input!

Patti Polk

Our leak was found

We had a problem on our new 460 with water getting into the nose of the boat. It turned out to be water in the anchor well was not draining out properly. There was a small hole at centerline (hard to see) that caused the problem. Hope this helps. Good luck!

Mike D

Maybe the skylights?

We have a leak coming thru near the mast area. The dealer thinks the skylights are leaking and water running along the liner. Could be a possible source for you too. Good Luck.
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