393 versus 411

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I am looking at purchasing either a 393 or 411. Can someone with experience in these models give me the plusses and minuses of each? I am interested in performance, comfort, and any other issues that are deemed important. Thanks.


Light and storage

James: I made this same comparison this past year and ended up with the 393. Both boats are solid, but I found the main cabin layout, the light, and storage were major advantages on the 393. The three coachtop skylight-style ports providerable light in the main cabin. There is considerable storage capacity in the 2 cabin version of the 393 that is unmatched on most boats. After nearly a year on the water, I am extremely pleased with the 393-no buyer's remourse.


Thanks JOe (393 vs 411)

I do like the looks of the 393....Have you any experience on the 411?


Limited experience, but lots of on site comparison

I had the opportunity to spend time on both a 411 and a 393 that were docked next to each other while making my decision. I did not make any sea trials on the 411, but I was able to make a literal side by side comparison of features in the same time period. The 411 is a great boat-the 393 happened to have the feature set that best met my needs.


393 v 411

James I have sailed both models and now own a 393 which I have had for 2 years. The layout on both boats is similar and easy to compare ashore or in the dock. I have found the 393 to be significantly faster and sails closer to the wind, probably due to the fact it is a much newer design. They are both good sea boats. The deeper (1.9m) keel versions of both boats sail better than the shoal draft versions but it depends on what you want to do.
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