310 Lack of dedicated jib sheet winches

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I am considering purchasing a new 310 and wondered how current owners feel about the lack of dedicated jib sheet winches. Is it annoying to have to switch the main and jib sheets on the starboard side winch? Seems like a hassle to me but is is something you just get used to?

william berson

yup, t'is

yup, t'is annoying to have to switch, especially if you have the arch traveller, as then you need the winch to trim the main sheet. The line brakes work very well however as does the jib sheet cam cleat, so you get into the swing of belaying lines and getting them off the winch. In all other respects, however, a really terrific boat, and after 1 year I'm very happy with it.

Dave Derr

Main Sheet Fix

Tom, I've searched the archives and can't find it, however, there was an article a number of months ago (maybe even a year) describing how a h310 owner had replaced the 3" blocks at the end of the boom and on the traveler with double 3" blocks in each location. This increased the mechanical advantage to the point that the main sheet can be handled without the need for a winch. I want to make this modification, so I printed and kept a copy of the message. I have it at the boat and will get it this weekend and print it here. That will, in effect, make the starboard winch dedicated ot the jib sheet and resolve your concern.

Dave Derr

Here It Is

Tom, as it turns out, I had this at home. Credit William Berson who posted in August, 1998. He said, "to get super leverage on the mainsheet, replace the 3" blocks (one on boom, one on traveler or arch), with double blocks. Sheet goes over boom block, through arch and back thru boom, back to arch and then to the end of the boom. Sounds complicated, but obvious to setup. Gives enough mechanical advantage so that winch is never needed on mainsheet." I intend to do it. Again, it should resolve your concern about dedicated winch on the starbord side, except when reefing as noted on your other message. Hope this helps.



Thanks - I'm going to take a look at it tomorrow. Seems simple enough

Steve Cook

If U R buying,try this

I now have 611 miles on my 1999 H310. The Idea posted he is a great idea and I will soon be making this change. I love the hell out of my boat and would buy it again with only one little change, I would spend the extra $200.00 or so and upgrade the 110% jib for a 135% genoa. I often find the boat under powered in light air. Jim Bohart told me while standing on by boat that the 135% would be the perfect set up for the H310! Think about it.... Good luck, Steve, s/v Obsession
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