2gm20f water heater circuit

Oct 29, 2005
Hunter Marine 326 303 Singapore
Please advise, if I don't want to have water heater, can I plug up the 2 holes at engine, 2gm20f, that feeds hot coolant to water heater circuit?
Mar 6, 2008
Catalina 1999 C36 MKII #1787 Coyote Point Marina, CA.
Yes. Take a hose connect from one to the other at the engine.
Jan 4, 2006
Hunter 310 West Vancouver, B.C.
Please advise, if I don't want to have water heater,
I trust this is a temporary isolation at best. I can't imagine any civilized person intentionally wanting to go without hot shower water. I can't imagine anything more distasteful :(.

In order to deal with the possibility of a leak in the heat exchanger, I installed ball valves on the two hoses to the heat exchanger :

Oct 29, 2005
Hunter Marine 326 303 Singapore
Where I sail, you won't want to shower with hot/warm water.