26x Mast Height?

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What is the mast height for a 26x. I am guessing 28 + 6 or 34 ft. There are some 35 ft fixed bridges on the ICW between Atlanic City and Cape May NJ. Will I need to drop the mast?

E Keim

Atlantic City ICW

Hi, I grew up in Brigantine and have traveled the IWC many times, don't know if any of the bridges have been replaced or not. Where do you keep the boat? Do you sail her off shore. I mainly used the AC Inlet, kept the boats in Brigantine. Mainly had power boats, the AC Inlet could be tricky with following seas, you may need some motor power to get in and out. Good luck, happy sailing. Earl Keim II


yes 28+

Both the Macgregor booklet and website (http://www.macgregor26.com/drawings.htm) list the mast as 28' from the deck, so be sure to add from the waterline to the mast plate in your figuring. Check your tide charts for the bridge area and see how much of a blessing you will get at low tide (check the tide height for that exact tide). Full ballast and lots of luggage will help (extra water containers?) On the "iffy" bridges you might have the crutch in place and the forestay (or furler) released with the main being held by a halyard to the bow (through the mast holding pin would work), being held by the crew - ready at the captain's order to either partially lower the mast a few feet or down to the crutch. The crew's strength and experience is a factor. You might try a dry a run the next time you rig the mast. Test the crew and concept by your position at the mast - ready to support and lower the mast to the crutch if the load is too much for the crew to hold back just a few feet. Of course the wisest route would simply be to lower the mast to the crutch ahead of time - but then you would never know if you could have made it under or not. (I have not had to do this yet myself.)
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