1989 Hunter 335 Rubbing strip fixing Help

Jun 2, 2024
Hunter 33.5 33.5 Dartmouth
I have recently become the proud owner of a 1989 hunter 335. It had a fairly good survey but I have come across some rotten plywood which runs inside around the inside edge just below deck level.
Am I correct in assuming this is for the rubbing strip to screw into?
I am planning on removing and replacing the affected areas.
Has anyone had any experience with this or any tips on removing the rubbing strip?
Kind regard
Jan 7, 2011
Oday 322 East Chicago, IN
I think that the toe rail / rub rail is through-bolted from both the top and the side of the hull (see image of my O’Day 322).

There is a strip of plywood glassed into the top edge of my hull to add some additional stiffness at the hull/deck joint. It is hard to tell, but but the toe rail my be screwed into the top flange, and the joint is thru-bolted before the rub rail is applied…that is what the nite says (even if it is hard to see in the drawing).

Not sure if your Hunter design is the same. But I think that this was a common design at the time (my boat was built in 1988).

Jun 2, 2024
Hunter 33.5 33.5 Dartmouth
Hi Greg,
Many thanks, that all makes sense. It appears at some point past it was repaired using screws into the wood strip instead of the bolts which have rusted and presumably letting water in!!
I'm going to glass in a new rail where needed.
Kind regards