17(+) foot DS I in need of some restoration

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Aug 15, 2012
Oday dsI Waquoit, MA
Hi all,

my parents bought our boat in 1958 or '59, and we have been sailing it continuously since then. But my dad, who did all the repairs and maintenance on it, passed away several years ago. The boat needs some minor work and some more major touch-ups. I don't feel up to much in the way of fiberglass work, and there are some places where stress cracks are beginning to show. I'd really appreciate recommendations on boatwrights or boatyards in the Cape Cod area so we can get started restoring our boat before the damage goes too far.


Jun 2, 2004
Oday Day Sailer Wareham, MA
Well, Edwards Boatyard is a good start. They are on the Child's River, right where it meets Rt 28. Arey's Pond Boat Yard in Orleans is well known and was once one of the premiere O'DAY Dealers, they now build fiberglass and wooden catboats...but I think they also do restoration/repairs. I'd contact the Chatham or Orleans Yacht Clubs, both have large racing fleets of Day Sailers and would certainly know of the best places to have work done on a Day Sailer. You might even find one of their members who owns a DS and could help you through doing the work yourself.

Oh, the overall length of the Day Sailer is 16'9" (but I always say mine is 17' just because it seems easier!)
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